#4 - Vern Tessio

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Ever since your friends told you about him, you wanted to know more about Vern Tessio.

You never actually knew him, but you heard that he was pretty chubby and really shy, only talking to three other guys. One has glasses, one has brown hair with bangs, and the other one has blonde hair.

You were sitting in math class, getting your assigned seat changed, only to find out that you sit next to the kid with the glasses, and that Vern sits across from you!

You looked at Vern, and immediately he looked down at the floor, blushing nervously.

"Come on, Vern-O! Don't be so shy! She's not gonna take a bite out of you!"

That came from the kid with the glasses.

"I'm Teddy Duchamp, at your service," said the kid with glasses, saluting to you as if in the army.

You smiled. "I'm (Y/N)."

Vern looked at you with wide eyes, and using all his courage he said, "I...I...I'm Vern."

"Nice to meet you, Vern."

You smiled gently at him, and he blushed and looked down again.

Teddy whispered to you, "Sorry if Vern-O's being a pussy. He's just a scaredy cat sometimes..."

"You four eyed pile of shit, that's not true!"

That, ladies and gentlemen, came from Vern.

He then clapped his hand over his mouth and blushed, looking over to you, embarrassed of his outburst.

"Sorry..." he said.

Teddy was laughing all the while, and said "Guess he's not a scaredy cat after all!"

You giggled slightly and before you know it, the last period bell rings, leaving you to say goodbye to Teddy, who salutes you, and to Vern.

But Vern doesn't do anything.

That is, until Teddy encourages him.

"Come on, this is your chance to prove that you're not a pussy!"


"Stop pissing and moaning, Vern-O, and just do it!"

Teddy shoves him slightly, causing him to stumble.

You face him, and start to talk.

"Hey Vern!"


"You okay?" You ask, eyebrow raised in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." He says, clearly not wanting to talk to you.

"Okay, see you then."

"Wait, (Y/N)!!


"I was wondering if you might want to do something together over the weekend, or something..."

"Sure! I'd love that!"



And with that, he waved goodbye to you, blushing slightly and smiling back at Teddy and the other two guys, and they all smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"Nice thinking, Vern."

"I told you, I wasn't a pussy, sincerely," He mumbled, but smiling all the while.


Hey guys,

I hope you liked this one. This is probably my best one. But you decide, you're the reader.

• Italics are going to be used for thoughts and for voices in the background (just to let you know)

- C.

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