#15 - Teddy Duchamp (pt. 2)

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The last thing you heard was a scream, before everything became one big black screen.

And you didn't think you would ever see anything different after that.

Time seems to go by, and soon, you felt something on your lips. You weren't sure what it was, but it woke you up immediately.

As you open your eyes, a boy your age comes into view, and soon, you realize that you were lying down on the concrete.

"She's alive!"

A cheer erupts from the people surrounding you and the boy. Within minutes it was just the two of you.

"Not to act like a guardian angel or anything, but I kinda just saved your ass."

You smile, "What was your 'saving ass' stategy?"

He smirks, the mischief gleaming in his eyes, "I don't think you'd like to know how mouth to mouth works..."

The amount of heat you felt on your cheeks was too much for you too handle. You stand up instantly and try to walk away. Behind you, the boy laughs.

As you're walking towards the gate, you feel hands going around your waist and pulling you close.

"But don't worry..." the boy said, almost in a whisper, "...I would be lying saying that I wouldn't be coming back for more..."


Ugh, this was hard for me to write, mentally. Teddy is not meant to a seductive dude, but it's an imagine for all you Teddy lovers. You're welcome.

I will be doing Ace and Eyeball's two part imagines too, in case you were wondering.

- C.

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