#18 - Eyeball Chambers

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*{occasional curses}
"Ow, ow, ow! It fucking hurts!"

The knife traced the letters before sinking in: COBRAS

"I know, (Y/N), I know. You just gotta hold still and keep your mouth shut."

Eyeball decided to give the official Cobras mark on your left arm, and it hurts like hell when done with just a knife and rubbing alcohol.

"Are you almost done?" You ask, your voice tinted with immense pain, and your eyes stinging with tears.

Eyeball wasn't lying when he said it would hurt.

"Not really...you just need to hold still for me, babe, okay?"

Looking down at your arm, he was almost done with the O. That's it. Four more letters to go.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...damn it! Ow, ow, ow!!!!

Your thoughts were scattered with anger, and your teeth were grinding in pain.

You take in your breath sharply, and simply wait until he's done.

Checking again, he is starting on the R, and that's when you can't take it anymore.

"Eyeball, I'm feel like I'm gonna faint...stop for one moment..."

Immediately, he stops and looks at you in concern.

"Do you wanna stop?"

"Yeah, I guess."

He then kisses you on the cheek, and starts to laugh.

"What is it?"

"It's just the tattoo. Imagine what the boys will say if you just have COBR on your arm."

Pretty soon, the both of you are hysterically laughing for no reason, and just enjoying the day together.

Eventually, yes, you do get the tattoo completed.


Sorry if I haven't updated in a while, or if this imagine sucks. I will be making an two part Eyeball imagine soon!

- C.

P. S.  should I continue making imagines only, or start making preferences too?

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