#25 - Gordie Lachance

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The cool breeze hit your exposed arms just as you opened the school doors with your classmates.

The last day of school has finally arrived, and you were just dismissed to go home.

Saying goodbye to your friends and teachers, you walked all the way home to find that your brother, Chris, had already went home.

"Where were you?" You ask, "School was dismissed minutes ago. I couldn't find you."

"I ditched. I was up in the treehouse with Gordie, Teddy and Vern. I just came back to the house to get some Winstons. You wanna come up with us?"

You eye your brother suspiciously. "Is this some trick, or what?"

He looks up from his findings to turn to you. "I'm just asking, that's all."

You smile, and set your backpack to the floor. "Okay."

{at the treehouse...}

"So, what are your plans for the summer, Vern?"

For the past hour, the five of you had been talking, and smoking the Winstons that Chris found in a bureau.

"I don't know. Probably look for my pennies again," said Vern, smiling at the thought of it.

You took a drag from your Winston, the smoke drifting towards the four corners of the small treehouse.

"You've been looking for how long again?" Chris told you about Vern's pennies once.

Teddy answered for Vern, "Four years, and probably another two will go by, just looking for that stupid jar of pennies."

Vern glared at him, muttering under his breath, "I'll find them. Sincerely."

You turn to Gordie, pinning a lock of loose hair behind your right ear. "Gordie, any plans for the summer?"

Gordie, who had been reading a crime magazine, looked up frantically, his face turning red in embarrassment.

"I'm...not sure. I don't know yet," mumbled Gordie.

"He'll probably make out with you, (Y/N)," exclaimed Chris, who seemed very nonchalant on the subject.

"Shut up!" You say, throwing your Winston at Chris.

Teddy and Vern stifled their laughs.

"What's so funny?"

They burst into a fit of laughter.

"Gordie's blushing like a tomato because he wants to go on a date with you!"

Soon enough, Chris, Teddy and Vern were all holding their stomachs in laughter, as Gordie threw down his magazine, and flipped them off, going down the ladder as fast as he can.

You shoot a look at the boys to stop their laughter and exit the treehouse, rushing to get off of the ladder and running after Gordie.

"Wait up, Gordie!"

He turns around, but doesn't make eye contact with you.

"Is it true that...you like...me?"

The sound of birds chirping can be heard in the distance. Gordie shifts his weight on one leg, and looks down at the ground.

"Yeah, it is....." said Gordie.

You smile. It was obvious that he liked you, and secretly, you liked him back.

"Hey, Gordo."

He looks up from the ground, his brown eyes shining.

You walk closer to him and kiss him on the cheek. He blushes and smiles wide at you.

"I like you too, Lachance." 


This was a bit basic, I'm sorry. Thanks so much again for 1K! You guys rock.


- C.

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