#6 - Eyeball Chambers

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* Richard "Eyeball" Chambers is Chris Chambers' older brother, and is friends with Ace Merril.


"(Y/N)! Can you get some comics for me on the way out?!"

That came from your younger brother, (Y/B/N), who evidently, had to get that latest Superman comic book.

"Fine, but you owe me a soda. Remember that. Soda."

He giggled and said "Whatever, sis."

You smiled, and went out the front door into your car, leaving the windows open and blasting the radio.

You park into an empty space, opening and closing your door of the car, locking it completely, just in case.

You start walking towards the comic book shop and bump into someone slightly taller than you with brown hair, causing you to fall down.

"Shit! You okay?"

"Yeah, I guess...."

He looked at you in distress. "Your elbow's bleeding a lot..."

You look down at your elbow, noticing the blood gushing out, and making its way down your arm.

"I can get you to a hospital if you need-"

"No worries, there's a little pharmacy around here. I can just hop in there and get some bandaids."

"You sure?"


He looked at you with some mystery in his eyes, as if he was trying to look deeper.

He helped you up and cupped your cheek with one hand. "Name's Rich, but you can call me Eyeball. What's yours?"


He then leaned in and kissed you on the cheek slightly, before running off in the opposite direction.

"I'll be seeing you around, (Y/N)!"

You smiled.

I sure hope so.


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