#7 - Gordie Lachance

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There were many things you loved about summer. Like swimming, and ice cream and roller coasters and sunsets and fireflies. You could put it all in a book.

But the one thing you loved most was stargazing in the middle of the night.

You were looking up at the sky one evening, trying to find the Big Dipper and breathing in softly.

You heard a crack from the fence behind you, and you jump up, startled.

"Gordie! You scared me," You laughed as he fumbled with the fence door.

"Sorry, I just saw you there and wanted to join you. That is, if it's okay..."

"Come on, Lachance, you know I would."

He grinned at you, and lay down next to you, letting the August wind blow his hair out of place.

You giggle, moving the stray hairs back into place, and then you start to talk about your futures.

"How's your book going?" You ask. Ever since the fourth grade, Gordie had been writing a book about a boy named Chico, and his brother that passed away.

"Mm, it's not really doing so well. I guess I just get emotional when I look and see that Chico's brother dies." (( the book that Gordie writes is based off of a slight excerpt in "The Body," the novella that the movie, "Stand By Me", was based on. ))

You look over at him as he continues, eyes focused on the stars in the sky.

"And then, y'know, I think about my brother and...." Gordie's voice starts to break. "...I just wish I could have said goodbye to him, and tell him that I love him so much."

Tears well out of Gordie's eyes as he continues.

"It's just that I never thought...that anyone like Denny would be killed like this...it's not fair...because...now
I'm with my parents that don't give a shit about what I do...and my father hates me for who I am...and who I hang out with... and it just gets me..."

Gordie starts to breathe heavily and sob, sitting upright as you put one arm around him and let the tears fall from your eyes as well. You knew Denny as a mutual friend, but it was sad to know that you'd never see him ruffle Gordie's hair with his hand anymore, or watch as they hug for what seems like eternities on end.

The stars twinkle more as you look up at the kaleidoscopic sky through your eyes full of tears, rubbing Gordie's shoulder and whispering "It's okay, Gordo, it'll be okay..."

And that's when you both see a shooting star

"Quick, Gordie! Make a wish!"

He immediately closed his eyes and mumbled his wish in perfect timing to the star.

When he opened his eyes, you asked, "Well, what'd you wish for?"

He smiled sadly and said, "I wished that you will stand by me, no matter how old we get, and that we can get through this Denny thing together."

You smiled, a tear falling down your cheek, and said, "Well, today's your lucky day, Gordo, because that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

"You're gonna stand by me?"

"I'm gonna stand by you, Gordie. I promise."


I think this one's kinda sad. But I like it anyways. Denny was Gordie's older brother btw.

Please send in requests and such.

- C.

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