Chapter 1- The Kitchens

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This chapter has been edited.

Harry was back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his sixth year. It was already half way through the term and winter was approaching. So far, the year had been eventful. Harry had his suspicions of Draco Malfoy and the issue that he may or may not be a death eater, Ron was constantly running around with Lavender, making Hermione an emotional wreck, Horace Slughorn and that bloody potions book.

Harry's suspiciousness of Draco Malfoy created another reason for Hermione to be annoyed with him. Ron didn't seem to have much interest in chastising Harry for thinking Malfoy was a death eater, although Hermione had lectured him plenty of times whenever it was even slightly mentioned in a conversation. Harry had been feeling annoyed with his two best friends for not even considering the idea.

Speaking of his best friends, Ron was head over heels in love, or something. Lavender Brown was Ron's current obsession and lip sucking buddy. Their relationship started the night of Gryffindor's huge Quidditch win. The Quidditch game had resulted in a big score for Gryffindor, new relationship for Ron, and huge distance in the trio's friendship. Harry's scheme to make Ron believe he had drunk the liquid luck may have backfired. Harry didn't know if Ron would agree to that. Having been so confident after believing he had drank liquid luck, Ron's insecurity faded away and his keeper abilities really showed. The aftermath of the match in the common room was great! Ron had been basking in the glory from winning the match and in the midst of it all, Lavender had appeared and soon the two were attached like leeches, sucking each other's faces off. Harry had wanted to cheer for his best friend but it seemed to have a different affect on Hermione.

Harry had suspected his two best friends had crushes on each other but they were both too bloody proud to admit it. Harry thought that maybe Hermione was mostly hurt because Ron didn't choose her first to pursue, his best friend. Harry didn't really understand why Hermione liked Ron in the first place. They fought all the time and they both knew how to get on each other's nerves constantly. However, Ron and Lavender weren't really perfect for each other either. The only thing their relationship consisted of was snogging each other's faces off. Although Lavender and Ron's relationship was odd, he let them be. Despite being confused why Hermione was feeling this way, especially for Ron, Harry did try to help Hermione whenever he could though. He'd help her with what she needed, trying not to get on her nerves lest it result in a argument. He'd listen to her whenever she seemed like she needed to vent. He would give her advice... It was nice to say the least.

Other than Malfoy, Ron and Hermione, Harry had more pressing issues. This issue in particular being more of a person than a problem. Horace Slughorn. Slughorn had taught at Hogwarts before but he had now returned for something important, as Dumbledore said. He had also said something about Slughorn wanting to 'collect' Harry. Harry wasn't sure he knew what that meant but he listened anyway.

Classes had been over for a while now and Harry was sitting in the back of the common room at the table by the window. He was reading to pass the time before dinner. He didn't know where Ron was otherwise he'd probably be skiving off with him, doing something stupid or another. Hopefully Hermione would return soon. She had stayed late after class, discussing something with Professor Flitwik. He wondered what was taking her so long. Just as Harry was turning the page in his book, Hermione came into the common room looking flustered, and sat down by Harry. She huffed.

"What's wrong?" Harry sat up, rubbing his tired eyes and looking at Hermione.

"Oh, it's nothing." She said, but Harry knew she was lying. She looked visibly upset as she pulled out a book from her book bag.

"Hermione, tell me what's wrong. Please don't tell me it's Ron. You shouldn't worry about him too much, you've got me and–"

"Harry!" Hermione interrupted his rambling and looked at him, annoyed. "No it is not Ronald. I was almost forgetting him until you mentioned him." She grumbled.

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