Chapter 13-The Ferret's Scheme

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Harry was still wracking his brain for any ideas on how to get Slughorn's memory. He poured over the Princes' book every chance he got, in hopes that the Prince may have something scribbled down that would help. Even though Harry and Hermione had just hit a huge milestone in their relationship and they were more or less at an all time high, (relationship wise) he still found her scowling at him whenever she saw the book.

On Sunday night, Harry was reading through the Princes' book to see if he could get anything to help with the memory, and he came across an incantation, 'Sectumsempra!', above it were the words 'For enemies'. He heard Hermione's voice in his head not to, but he ignored it and folded down the page anyway.

Not many people were in the common room right now. Hermione was sitting in her favorite armchair by the fire, Ron was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, sprawled out with his homework in front of him. He was in a rush to finish this particular difficult essay. As a result from worrying too much about their Apparation tests, which was set the twenty first of April, he still had to finish it. Harry and Hermione had already finished their essays and Hermione had already scolded Ron for not finishing it earlier.

Harry however was sat on the far end of the couch, which was unusual for him. To the untrained eye, their seating arrangement looked normal for the trio. Where Harry was seated was also the farthest from Hermione. Usually, Harry would be seated on the floor in front of Hermione's usual chair, with his head leaning back and her hands playing in his hair. Ron liked to tease them by saying that they were attached at the hip, and couldn't do anything without each other, not even homework.

The reason for this was because Harry couldn't let go of the Princes' book lately. "I'm telling you, the stupid Prince isn't going to be able to help you with this, Harry!" Said Hermione in a shrilly voice. "There's only one way to force someone to do what you want, and that's the Imperius Curse, which is illegal—"

"Yeah, I know that, thanks," he didn't look up from his book but knew Hermione was scowling at him right now. "That's why I'm looking for something different. Dumbledore says Veritaserum won't do it, but there might be something else, a potion or a spell..."

"It's not a question of slipping him a potion, anyone could do that—"

"How d'you spell 'belligerent'?" Said Ron, cutting their argument short. "It can't be B-U-M—"

"No, it isn't," Hermione grabbed Rons essay and started looking over it. "And 'augury' doesn't begin O-R-G either. What kind of quill are you using?"

"It's one of Fred and George's Spell-Check ones... but I think the charm must be wearing off..."

"Yes, it must, because we were asked how we'd deal with dementors, not 'Dug-bogs', and I don't remember you changing your name to 'Roonil Wazlib' either." Harry snorted.

"It's not funny, Harry! I'll have to write the whole thing out again." He exclaimed miserably.

"It's okay, we can fix it," Said Hermione pulling her wand out.

"Ah I love you, Hermione." Ron said laying back down.

"Watch it, Roonil." Harry pointed a finger at Ron.

Ron put his hands up in mock surrender, "Don't worry, she's all yours mate. I can only handle so much Hermione," That got Ron a well deserved smack around the head with a book from Hermione. "Blimey Hermione, that hurt!" He complained, rubbing his head.

Hermione handed Ron back his essay twenty minutes later, "Next time choose your words carefully, or you can fix your essay yourself!"

"Alright, alright! I'm sorry." He said, "Can I borrow your quill for this conclusion?"

Done listening to the both of their bickering, Harry looked around the common room to find it empty accept for the three of them. Seamus had just gone upstairs. Harry closed his eyes to enjoy the peace, along with the sound of Ron using Hermione's quill to write the last of his essay when Hermione let out a tiny shriek and Ron spilled ink all over his newly finished essay—
After they were met with Kreacher and Dobby last night, they had solved the mystery of where Malfoy had been going when he disappears off the map. Because of Dobby's great work of spying on Malfoy on Harry's orders, they found out he hasn't been leaving the castle at all, but going into the Room of Requirement! Harry was thrilled to at last finally have some idea of what Malfoy was doing.

Hermione was still skeptical about Draco having a Dark Mark, or being a Death Eater. She also reminded Harry that he was supposed to be concentrating on getting Slughorn's memory. 'We will find out what Malfoy is doing, but right now you're top priority should be getting that memory from Slughorn. I may not believe Malfoy is a Death Eater but we will figure this out. Just like we always do. Good night.' Was what she said before she have Harry a kiss on the cheek and went up to the girls dormitory.

Even with Hermione's encouragement, Harry still did not sleep well that night. The next morning at breakfast he divulged his plan to try to spend his free period that morning trying to get into the Room of Requirement. Hermione looked more or less bored but he could see she was trying her best to hide her annoyance.

"I haven't forgotten about Slughorn, Hermione, but I haven't got a clue how to get that memory, and until I do why shouldn't I find out what Malfoy's up to?"

She gave him a cold long stare and Harry was scared that she may not answer. "I know, but Slughorn is the priority here, Harry. I know what I said last night and I will help you, but instead of messing around outside the Room of Requirement you should be going to find Slughorn and start appealing to his better nature."
Harry had to admit, Hermione's words were still buzzing inside his head, but that wasn't going to stop him from continuing with his plan.

While Ron and Hermione were off in Hogsmeade doing their apparation tests, he was on the seventh floor. There he had not only failed at his plan, but he also saw Tonks surprisingly. She looked as miserable as ever. She was thin, her hair not its usual bright pink, and an odd thing had happened before she left.

He had mentioned Sirius when she asked if he'd heard from any of the Order lately, and Tonks eyes had pooled with tears. He started to apologize before Tonks looked at him blankly as though not hearing him, and left...

After his failed attempt to catch Malfoy in the act of whatever he was doing and his weird encounter with Tonks, he headed to potions where Slughorn ran off at the last second again.

Hermione did perfectly on her apparation test obviously, and they spent the night together atop the astronomy tower looking up at the stars...

A/N: This book has felt very all over the place lately but we're back on track with the real story and Harry and Hermione's relationship. Tell me if you like the way I included more of the real story this chapter or just focusing on their relationship. The end of this kinda sucks but I hope you all liked all 1212 words of it! Until next time 👋🏽

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