
2.1K 27 2

Wow... 1k...I remember when this story hit 100 views a month or two ago and now we're at 1k! I'm so shocked. I actually can't believe it. Thank you guys so much!! SKSKKSKSKS IM ACTUALLY FREAKING OUT. THANK ALL OF YALL FOR READING. Hopefully you all stick around :) I've had big plans for this story since I started it. I already know how the second book to this is gonna go do be ready if your willing to stick around :)) and I know I haven't been updating it's just with school and everything and I'm still deciding some things on the next chapter *wink wink 😉*

I just want to say thanks a billion and to celebrate NEWWWW CHAPTER TOMORROW OR LATER TONIGHT. Love yallllllllll🤧❤️❤️❤️ Plz comment and vote and continue to read:)

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