Chapter 20- Kindle away

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Harry had taken Hermione to the Room of Requirement. Her behavior lately had been setting him on edge. First it was the night she yelled at him in the common room. Her endless game of silence. Then she wouldn't even let him kiss her. It was needless to say that the two of them needed to speak of what had happened in their relationship. Harry had his suspicions, he just hoped he was wrong.

Harry opened his eyes to see big double doors in front of him. Keeping his grasp on Hermione's hand, he opened the door and let her go first.

They walked over to the couch hand in hand and she sat down, releasing Harry's hand in the process.

Everything seemed utterly normal. She was acting as if she hadn't been ignoring Harry for the last two days.

"What's wrong? Did Dumbledore tell you—"

"No, Hermione," Harry sighed. "This is about us." She immediately tensed up.

"Okay... What about us?"

Harry squinted at her. Was she really going to play this game? "Hermione... I recall that it is you that's been ignoring me for the last two days. Being at each other's throats all the time. That look in your eye whenever I look at you. Yelling at me in the common room, then you wouldn't even let me kiss you let alone touch you at all!" Harry was fuming by the end of his rant, and Hermione just sat there. Drinking in his words, not even flinching when he raised his voice. "We're barely even a couple anymore... I don't even know why we do this." He said the last part underneath his breath but leave Hermione to catch his every last word.

"Then maybe we shouldn't..."

"Shouldn't what Hermione?" Harry sighed.

"Be together anymore." Harry whipped around to stare at her, not believing those words actually came out of her mouth. "W-what?"

Tears were streaming down her face at this point. She looked up with those big brown eyes of hers, and his world came crashing down.

"I'm sorry Harry."

"No, Hermione you know I love you. You're my world. I love you more than life itself. I'd never dream of being with anyone other than you. Please... Hermione, don't go."

"Harry, I think we both know where this is headed. Or at least now I do, because otherwise I'd have had to find out the hard way." She looked at him stone cold. And it hurt. A lot.

Gosh, why'd they have to end up this way?

"Hermione, let me fix this. Please?"

Hermione looked at him skeptically, almost humorously. "You seriously don't know do you?"

"Know what?" Harry was getting worried now. He just wanted to fix all of this.

"You seriously don't know why we're fighting! Honestly!" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"The night I came in the common room furious, demanding answers from you and I didn't get one peep. I'd just come from the library, as usual..."

Hermione was in the library, per usual. She'd come here after dinner, preferring the peacefulness over the rowdy common room. The boys had left with the rest of Gryffindor tower and she skipped off to her safe haven of books.

She had been on the edge of falling asleep when a muscular voice had shaken her back to reality. "Hey Granger. Late night studying?"

She looked up to see who it was. Cormac McLaggen. Just the jock she didn't want to see.

"May I help you? I think you're lost, the arrogant prat club is that way." She pointed towards the exit.

"C'mon Hermione, lighten up. I just came to see my favorite Gryffindor."

"You do know I'm a prefect, right? I could get you detention for being out," she looked down to check her watch. "15 minuets past curfew."

"Look, I didn't come to flirt and I definitely didn't come here to get detention either. But you'll find that what I know could be very beneficial to you, Miss. Granger."

"I don't think I even want to know whatever it is Cormac. Now, get back to Gryffindor tower before I wake up every ghost and painting in this castle." She brushed past him and walked swiftly to the exit when he spoke again.

"It's about Potter."

Hermione stopped right in her tracks. She knew she shouldn't have, but her being half asleep wasn't helping the logical side of her brain.

"Everyone in the castle probably already knows this, even the wee little first years. It's all over school. Except the one person who doesn't know. His own girlfriend." She heard McLaggen cackle behind her.

"What? You don't know anything about Harry, and his and I's relationship is none of your concern." She turned around, holding her ground confidently, on the outside. On the inside she was growing more and more curious. Although, it was curiosity that killed the cat.

"Oh yeah. Yeah, everyone knows about how Potter is soon to drop you. Everyone has their theories, but personally, I think he's cheating."

"And you actually believed him Hermione?" Harry could almost laugh.

"No. I'm not that stupid to believe anything Cormac could say about you. But Harry, he'd brought my worst fear back to the forefront of my mind." Her voice cracked. "Losing you. And not just if we broke up because it just didn't work out or we fell out of love. I've always feared you'd find someone better... Someone more pretty, someone less boring, someone other than me."

Hearing that... Harry's heart broke. How could this remarkable girl sitting in front of him think that of herself? "Hermione... I— you still feel that way?" Hermione's head continued to hang low.

"Hermione, it is beyond me of how you could ever think so low of yourself. You're amazing. You're the brightest witch I've ever met. You're the most beautiful girl in the universe! You are far from boring, and" Harry took her hand and lifted her chin up. "I don't want anyone other than you Hermione. So please, don't end this.

"I need you Hermione! Can't you see that?"

"I need time, Harry! I need a break from this whole relationship thing!"

Harry's voice cracked as he spoke. "Fine. We'll go on a... break."

A/N: Ross and Rachel who? Okay I shouldn't be joking right now because I'm actually really sad 😞
My poor babies are going through sm:/ Hope you enjoyed all 1042 words of it 💘

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