Chapter 8- Valentines Day

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This chapter has not been edited. DONT READ IF YOU WANT THE STORY TO MAKE SENSE. Good day, you may go on ;)

Valentine's Day. Oh the day Harry dreaded most. He was never good with relationships and last year had really shown him that. But this year, he was actually kind of looking forward to it.

Valentine's Day was the day of a quidditch match, and he also hadn't asked Hermione out yet. So, he'd devised a plan. Fortunately, after Ron had gotten out of the hospital, he and Harry had settled their differences and Ron had agreed to help Harry.

So Valentine's Day had come, and Hermione was wishing both of the boys luck before they went to change, (Ron and Hermione had recently made up). She had kissed Harry's cheek and ran off towards the stands. Harry's heart did a little flutter.

Today Luna Lovegood had volunteered to be the commentator for the match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. It was quite interesting, to say the least.

"Spinnet is in possession. That was a rather good throw into the middle hoop, could have been better if there weren't so many wrackspurts in her head." McGonagall had scowled but didn't say anything, though she looked like she would really like to. "Davies and Weasley are after the-" Harry wasn't paying attention to Luna anymore. He was starting to get really anxious, and Cho's flirtatious glances weren't helping.

He had heard she had been trying to smuggle him a love potion also. He couldn't understand why he was suddenly so interesting to her, but then a voice came into his head.

Oh, come on, Harry, it's not Quidditch that's popular, it's you! You've never been more interesting, and frankly, you've never been more fanciable.

Hermione's words from earlier that year came to him and his stomach went all flip-floppy again at the memory until- a bludger whizzed past his head. If Peakes hadn't saved it in time, Harry, reckoned he would have a broken skull by now.

Harry shook it off and looked across the pitch. Gryffindor was up by 15 points, and the game had only been going for 10 minuets. He could hear the cheers of Gryffindor as Angelina scored. Cho was no where in sight surprisingly, but that didn't matter right now, he head spotted a speck of gold! He was sure it was the snitch. If he could catch it and win the match would be perfect.

Harry zoomed after it. He dogged another bludger and saw a blue figure close next to him. Cho. Harry gained more speed towards the gold ball, now zooming around the left Ravenclaw goal-post.

He was so close now. Just a couple inches. The snitch zoomed away, sensing Harry. But the snitch wasn't as fast as him. Harry sped up and grabbed the snitch, going into a dive. He held it up for the crowd to see. Hermione was by far the loudest. Harry beamed.

As the rest of the team flew to the ground, Harry flew over to the commentators section. "Mind if I borrow that Luna?" He said, gesturing to the mic. "Sure Harry. Good luck!" She winked knowingly.

"Right, before all of you leave, I have an announcement to make." Harry said, his voice booming throughout the pitch. "Hermione." He looked into her eyes, and for a moment, it seemed as if they were the only people in the world. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time now and I think I've finally plucked up the courage to do it. Hermione, you are the most clever, beautiful, funny, caring person I've ever met. I'm sorry I never realized it before, but now that I have, would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" Hermione paused, and for a second Harry thought she would say no. Suddenly she beamed, "Oh Harry, yes! Of course I will!" She screamed.

Harry's heart soared. He flew to the ground just in time to catch Hermione as she flung herself at him, knocking the wind out of him. He couldn't think of a time he'd been happier. She pulled back just enough to capture his lips with her own. It was one of the sweetest kisses Harry ever experienced. He couldn't believe it! Hermione was his girlfriend. Hermione Granger , the bossy know-it-all, his best friend, his gorgeous best friend was now his girlfriend. He couldn't hear the cheering crowd over the sweet song that had seem to have started, seemingly in his head.

And for once, something in his life was perfect.

Hey guys!! EEEEE it finally happened! Are you fangirling as much as me? I actually got this idea on Valentine's Day. (In 9th period to be exact lol.)Haha I've realized that I can only write when I'm listening to all the r&b music from the early 2000's😂 Weird right? lol hoped you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it for y'all. Xoxo 🤪💛

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