Chapter 16-Hormonal Breakdowns

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Warning! Suggestive themes.

She had nowhere to go. Her body was pinned against the wall behind her. The heated kisses were growing more and more passionate by the second. His hand was traveling up her shirt, drawing her closer each second.

Maybe they should stop before he seduces her...or maybe he already had.

His left hand moved away from her waist to reach up to her neck. She shivered when his hand came into contact with her hot skin. His lips parted from hers, only to be placed right below her ear. His breath was hot and enticing on her.

She knew where they were headed, and she wanted it to happen.

Her slender fingers suddenly had a mind of their own. And then his belt was gone. Next came his pants.

He pulled away from her to pull her shirt over her head.

He was kissing her in every place he could reach. It was intoxicating. Everything about it. His scent so close to her nose. His hot skin pressing on hers. His oh so soft lips on her skin..


His hands were in her hair.


And suddenly she was bolted upright in her bed.

She was still bleary eyed when her eyes fully opened. She found herself sitting in her bed looking at her two best friends, one of which was her boyfriend.

The situation could have been a bit less awkward if Harry wasn't looking at her like that, and Ron wasn't in the room. She flushed and tilted her head, confused as to why they were in her dormitory.

"What are you two doing in here? This is the girls dorm you know." Hermione teased.

"And we do have classes, you know." Ron tossed back at her.

"Oh my god!" She got frantic and tried to get up when Harry pulled her back down.

"Calm down" Harry laughed. "It's free period, we just- well Ron just wanted to go down to breakfast."

"Yeah, so hurry up and get dressed. I'm starving!" Ron left the dorm rubbing his stomach.

"So you two came all the way up here to wake me up because he couldn't wait another minute for breakfast?" Hermione asked Harry once the door had closed. She playfully hit his shoulder. "And I was having a good dream."

After she said that Harry went quiet. He fidgeted a bit before talking again. "Er..what exactly were you dreaming about?" Hermione's eyes widened and her cheeks flushed.

"Oh, uh, why?" She stammered.

"Well you were kind of saying my name.."

"I was falling." She said quickly. And quite stupidly, she might add.

"Falling?" Harry asked, looking skeptical.

"Yes, falling. Uh, you see it was a ride." She said, then added, "a broom ride I mean!" She mentally slapped herself for getting the double entendre in that sentence.

"But you hate brooms." Harry said, confused.

"Do you want me to answer your question or not?" She asked.

"Fine, go on." He crossed his arms like a child and waited for Hermione to continue talking again.

"In the dream we were having a really nice time," a really nice time, she thought, "and then I lost my grip and fell." She shrugged. "It was just a dream."

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