Chapter 9- The Day After

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                This chapter has not been edited.

The party after the match was great. All of Hufflepuff had came, and surprisingly some Ravenclaws too. Both Harry and Hermione were overwhelmed with the joy of their new relationship. Ron had been there for the first 15 minuets but was nowhere to be seen after that. Harry noticed he hadn't seen Luna either.

The party lasted until 1:00am and there were some stragglers let in the common room at 2:00am too. McGonagall hadn't even come to stop the party even though Harry was sure they could be heard 3 floors down. Seamus and Dean had managed to bring some firewhishkey without any professors noticing either. "Everyone back home drinks it all the time. S'like water to us!" Seamus had said enthusiastically.

Hermione was so overwhelming joyful she didn't say one thing about the firewhiskey, and had even took a sip from Harry's glass after he'd convinced her. She made a face and complained about her burning throat, looking for the nearest non-alcoholic drink. It was the most hilarious thing that night, next to Neville throwing up all over his date. The Hufflepuff got the sick magicked off and ran out of the common room, embarrassed tears sliding down her face. Ginny helped the intoxicated Neville up to his dormitory. But now that Harry noticed, he hadn't seen Ginny at all after that. When he entered the dormitory, Neville's curtains around his four poster were closed but there wasn't a single sound to come from it. Not even a little drunken snore.

Harry and Hermione had turned in at about 12:00. "Congratulations again Harry. I had a great time tonight." Hermione had said at he bottom of the stairs her eyes twinkling. "Goodnight Harry." Her soft voice floated to his ears like music. He still couldn't believe he was in a relationship with this girl. He'd have to thank his lucky stars.

She had hugged him and kissed his cheek before running up the stairs. She had kissed his cheek once before and he would never forget the way he was in a daze after it, but in a relationship it was different.

He stood at the bottom of the stairs for a second before climbing up them into his dormitory.

He had changed and plopped down onto his bed and after awhile fell asleep.

He never heard Ron enter the dormitory that night.


The day after was, to say the least, uncomfortable.

Harry awoke with a slight headache, (must be the firewhiskey) but that was fixed up with a potion Hermione had. The duo had greeted each other awkwardly before holding hands and walking down the to the Great Hall.

To both of their surprises, Ron was already sat down (in his old spot) at the Gryffindor table with nothing on his plate. They shared a look before joining him at the table.

"Long night?" Harry asked, trying to sound casual.

"Er yeah..just um some homework..yunno' McGonagall gave loads of it" he laughed nervously.

Harry and Hermione had to hold back the urge to burst of laughing.

The moment passed and the tension was back. The little physical gestures Harry and Hermione had experienced with each other when they were friends was never awkward but now in a relationship Harry felt the need to ask if he could touch her. Somehow just holding hands in the corridor as just friends was easier. In a relationship Harry felt he had expectations to live up to now. While they were just friends, Hermione had definitely not expected Harry to hug her, or put his arm around her, especially not in public. Now Harry felt maybe he should. But maybe Hermione would be upset. Even though the whole school knew by now it still might upset her.

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