Chapter 12-Just the Way You Are

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Harry didn't bother to grab his things and ignored whatever Snape was saying and dashed into the corridor.

They weren't even supposed to be learning about boggarts! They had been practicing nonverbal spells but Snape had the bright idea to bring out a boggart, and now Hermione was probably crying her eyes out.

He had to look for awhile before he found her in an empty classroom. She was sitting there on the desk, silent tears falling from her beautiful face. She's even beautiful when she's crying, Harry thought to himself.

"I know you probably think it's silly" She said quietly, surprising Harry. "When everyone knows I'm top of the class, but yet I still think I'm a failure." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I mean, I'm a Gryffindor! I should be brave and do my best no matter what anyone thinks of it! But sometimes.."

Harry came and stood in front of Hermione on the desk and took her hands before looking into her eyes. "Everyone has fears, Hermione, just because you're a Gryffindor doesn't mean you can't have fears." Harry said, interrupting her. "And whatever you think about yourself doesn't mean I think that about you too. You're wonderful Hermione! You're the smartest person I know, and also the most beautiful." She blushed. "I couldn't imagine ever leaving you or what my life would be like without you in it. Because I need you in my life Hermione. You know Ron would never say any of that stuff either, he's your best friend and he also needs you. Heck, if we didn't have you we'd probably be dead." He chuckled softly before he continued. "Your parents love you too. They must be so proud of you." He looked earnestly into her eyes. "Hermione, you are anything but a failure. I love you just the way you are Hermione."

"Harry did you just say.."

"I love you Hermione."

"I love you too Harry." She said sincerely. Hermione's hands loosened their grip on Harry's and found their way to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. His hands instinctively went to her hips and he too leaned in. Harry's eyes fluttered shut and he felt her eyelashes on his skin. Their lips met and an electric feeling coursed through Hermione's veins. He loved her, and she loved him too. It was an indescribable feeling that flowed through her in that instant, but she felt..whole.

The two teens stood there wrapped in each other's arms, it could've been several minutes, hours, days, weeks, month or even years but they wouldn't care, because all that mattered in that moment was each other.

A/N: Very short chapter but I thought it was cute so this is what you're getting. Do you guys like more romantic chapters with dialogue and stuff, or what I usually write? Anyway thank you for reading it means a lot! Until next time 👋🏽

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