Chapter 11- Failure

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Warning! Mature language.

If everyone approves of you
Then it's time to give your life an upheaval
Stand your ground empowered
And hold nothing back
And be unapologetically you

Hermione walked out of the library in the last fifteen minutes of her free period. In the hour she had for her free period, she had finished the essay assigned by Slughorn and started a little bit of her transfiguration homework. Harry joined her in the library to get some work done too but had left 45 minuets after because he had wanted to fly a bit before class started.

Hermione headed in the direction to the common room to drop off some books in her dormitory. She hummed absentmindedly while walking down a corridor that was surprisingly empty. Her head was in the clouds as she let her feet carry her to her destination. Hermione didn't even hear anyone else's footsteps in the corridor. She was on the ground in seconds, all umpteen of her books scattered on the stone floor.

She rushed to pick up her books, not bothering a look at whoever she had collided with. Her red cheeks were hidden by her hair luckily.

She collected her books and the person handed her the last few. She noted that the hands were feminine and this person was most likely a girl. She looked up to start rambling an apology but stopped short.

"Oh it's just you..." Cho said, disgust laced her tone.

"You little-" Hermione started angrily.

"Bitch? Slut? Whore? Call me whatever you want Hermione, just remember Harry was with me first!"

"And he's with me now. Aren't you supposed to be in detention or something?" Hermione smiled sardonically.

Cho just smirked and shook her head, unfazed by Hermione's earlier mordacious remark. "He may be with you now, but it won't be long before he drops you." Cho's eyes swept Hermione's appearance, making her feel sick, "I mean, why would Harry pick you? He could pick any girl in the school, but yet he chooses Hermione Granger, bossy know-it-all with a distasteful attitude and buck teeth. I never saw any boys lining up to date you, let alone Harry Potter." She scoffed, "Who knows, maybe this isn't the first time Harry's been dosed with love potion." She spun around, straight jet black hair whipping behind her as she walked away.

Hermione had to admit, Cho's words hurt.

Who was she kidding? Harry dating her? Cho may have been wrong about the love potion, but everything else was spot on.


The boggart spun to change for Ron next. It was Luna. She was wearing an all white dress that nicely clung to her body. She smiled serenely at Ron and waved. It was nice and innocent. Ron smiled back, momentarily forgetting this wasn't the real Luna. Her hand stopped it's movement and went to clutch her chest. She didn't scream, didn't even whimper. She just stood there in agony, clutching her body while red started blotting all over her dress. First in her chest, moving to her stomach, her left thigh came next, and then her right shoulder. "Help m-" The boggart Luna fell to the ground, blood still ruining the perfect dress. Her lifeless eyes stared at the ceiling and her limp hand fell next to her.

Ron stared on in horror, close to tears. He almost shouted the incantation just wanting to get the horrible image of his girlfriend out of his head. When the incantation left his mouth Luna was covered in paint instead of blood. She was laughing while wiping the pastel purples and pinks off of her.

Hermione was almost close to tears too. She knew nobody as young as he should have to worry about that at all. Ron looked for a minute and then walked to the back of the class for the next person, who happened to be Hermione to have their go.

There were multiple people who appeared all around her. First she saw her parents who smiled and waved at her. She smiled and waved back at them but then remembered this wasn't real. Gosh, she missed them. The next person she saw was Ron and Luna standing side by side. Mcgonagall was standing next to them with her usual stern expression on her face. The last person was Harry. He had his uniform dress shirt on with the sleeves rolled up. He ran a hand through his hair, making it even messier. He looked adorable.

She looked back at everyone but couldn't understand how this could be her boggart. Surely something else was wrong. "You know, I wished we hadn't saved you from that mountain troll." Ron started. "All you ever were was trouble! You annoy us all day and boss us around. No wonder nobody else wanted to be your friend." Hermione gasped, she couldn't believe he was saying this. She reminded herself this wasn't real, and Ron would never say any of this. "Y-You're not real." Hermione was barely heard because another voice popped into the conversation.

"He's right. Now we're stuck with you." Harry's voice sounded so mean and cold. She was used to hearing his sarcasm that never failed to make her laugh or the softness in his voice whenever he was talking to her. She looked at Harry and into his dazzling eyes. In fact, she could see them if she just turned around. But those green eyes weren't filled with warmth and welcoming like usual. No, they were cold and evil. They almost looked like Malfoys. Harry smirked at her. "I've found someone new. Someone better. I don't need you anymore Hermione. " Hermione stared in disbelief as he crossed his arms. His tone was even cold and evil. "Unless of course you'd like to help me with my homework?" He smirked again when she didn't reply. "Isn't that what you always do? And to believe I'd go out with you!" He laughed maliciously. "I mean look at you! The bushy hair, and I think everyone would agree to say you're nothing to look at," he looked at her disgusted. "You are nothing compared to any other girl."

Finally, Hermione spoke up. "No! Harry would never say that."

"Wouldn't he?" Boggart Harry asked mockingly. "You can't get rid of me." He whispered. "I'm your reality!" Hermione shook her head. Tears had sprang to her eyes and were threatening to fall. Her chin trembled as she tried to speak out the words to make this horrible vision disappeared. But then another voice sounded.

"You're a freak. And a disappointment. You could've gone to that prestigious boarding school, that normal school. Instead you chose that freak show of a school!" Hermione looked at her mother and gasped, not believing the words she heard. "Always disappointing us Hermione. Why?" Then her mother and father flashed and disappeared. "I'm afraid she is quite right Miss Granger." Hermione turned towards the voice. Mcgonagall. "I don't understand.." Mcgonagall then too, disappeared.

And she finally understood. It was her worst fear. Failure.

Failure as a girlfriend, as a student, as a friend, and as a daughter.


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