Chapter 15- One Big Happy Family

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It was after classes and Harry was headed towards the showers after flying around the pitch with Ron. They tossed around some of the balls, helping Ron with his keeper abilities. He bittersweetly noted to himself that Ginny would have been there too if she hadn't been kicked off the team as punishment. She had been replaced by a girl in her grade, Sierra Beckford. She was exceptionally good, but not as good as Ginny.

Hair wet, and back in his clothes from earlier, Harry followed Ron towards the common room before dinner.

"I'm worried about her Harry." Ron said as they turned a corner.

"I already told you Ron. You need to ask Hermione what she thinks about it." He was so over this subject.

"She's your girlfriend! And I don't want to get hexed, besides she'll go easy on you. Just use some of that Potter charm, and we'll all be one big happy family again." Harry rolled his eyes at that. When were they ever one big happy family?

"She is my girlfriend, but this isn't my problem Ron. You already know my opinion, and I honestly could care less about what Ginny does anymore." Harry said before he turned to the Fat Lady and said the password. "Acid pops." He walked into the common room to see Hermione sitting in her usual armchair reading a book. He pointed to her. "Here's your chance," He gave Ron a little shove towards her.

Ron gave Harry one last nervous glance before approaching Hermione. "Er..hey Hermione," She looked up at Ron as he shuffled awkwardly. "Hey Ron," She spared him a glance then looked back down to her book.

"Could we talk Hermione?" Harry drifted towards the back of the common room to watch, as Hermione closed her book to give Ron all her attention. "Sure. What's wrong?" She said calmly.

"Me and Harry were thinking—" Harry coughed. "Well I was thinking. I think we should talk to Ginny."

Both of the boys watched Hermione's face for a reaction. Her face showed no emotion at all, and that concerned Harry. "And why exactly would you want to do that?" She asked in a dangerously calm voice.

"She's my little sister, and she messed up. Of course it was a big mess up that is hardly forgivable, but I think we should give her a chance. She just looks so lonely now, and all her friends ditched her. I just don't want her to be alone anymore."

"You're right Ron." She sighed at the end of his speech.

"I am?" He is? Harry thought.

"Yes, and like you said she's your little sister so you get to deal with her." Hermione then smiled, a little bit too sweetly, picked up her book and continued her reading as if Ron and Harry hadn't showed up at all.

Ron walked towards Harry in the back of the common room. "That didn't go well." Ron sighed putting his head down.

"At least she didn't hex you the minute you mentioned Ginny," Harry said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah but she's not even open to the idea! That's why you should talk to her Harry,"

"And have her think I want the girl who tried to seduce me back in my life? No thanks."

"You're no help." Ron scoffed as he headed back out of the portrait hole.
"You'd think people had better things to gossip about," Said Hermione as she sat in her favorite armchair, playing in Harry's hair after dinner. "Three Dementor attacks in a week, and all Romilda Vane does is ask me if it's true you've got a Hippogriff tattooed across your chest."

Ron roared with laughter from the couch. He seemed to be in a good mood now. His frustration from earlier had disappeared into the night sky as dinner commenced. Harry glared at Ron before speaking again, "What did you tell her?"

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