Chapter 17- Ron the Therapist

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Hermione was outside on the courtyard sitting under and big oak tree with plenty of shade. She was reading Hogwarts: A History as it was her favorite and she hadn't read it in a while. It was a nice spring day and the weather was so perfect. She couldn't just waste this opportunity to go outside and enjoy it all. It was Friday now and it seemed like weeks had gone by since Harry and Hermione's detention on Monday night. It was only last night Hermione broke down in the Room of Requirement.

That morning had been very awkward when Harry woke up to find Hermione looking out the window looking very sullen. They had snuck into their dormitories without any of their dorm mates noticing and gotten ready for breakfast. Ron was late to breakfast, and his face was to full to speak when he did manage to get there. It was a very quiet breakfast.

Classes had gone by and now Hermione was sitting in the peace and quiet alone. The breeze blew by her gently as she closed her eyes.

"Hey Hermione!" Great. Her peace and quiet was gone and she wasn't sure when she was going to get anymore time to herself. "You would not believe what happened to me today! Mcgonnagal was actually nice to me, crazy right?" Ron explained to her excitedly.

"Huh? Oh yeah, crazy." Hermione replied inattentively.

"Are you okay? You seem dazed out..."

"Well..." Hermione contemplated asking Ron for advice about what was keeping her so absentminded. "Not exactly. I kinda told Harry something but I don't know how he's taking it." She bit her lip.

"Okay...Why don't you just ask him about it?" Ron asked stupidly.

"Because its a touchy subject Ron, and if I could just ask him about this don't you think I would have already?" Hermione looked away so she could very clearly roll her eyes at Ron's daft-ness.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He said. "But hey! Why don't I ask him for you?"

"That would be a good idea if you knew what it is I'm freaking out about."

"Is it really that bad?"

Hermione nodded her head.

"Oh! I've got a bloody good plan..."

— —
Ron walked into the common room, Hermione not far behind. Ron looked back at Hermione. She nodded, indicating him to go forward while she went up to her dorm as to not make Harry suspicious. The plan was in motion.

"Harry! Man I've been bloody everywhere looking for you!" That was a lie. Ron and Hermione had summoned Harry's map when they were out on the courtyard so they could succeed with their plan.

Harry looked up from his charms homework, "And why might that be?"

"I wanted to talk to my best mate! All this relationship stuff has kept us both pretty busy, and of course Slughorn and Malfoy and all those meetings with Dumbledore have kept you pretty preoccupied too."

"Uh huh. What exactly was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Well Hermione seems a bit... I dunno. More like a girl than usual? Anything new you wanna talk about..." Ron said not so subtly.

Harry gave him a funny look. "Er no..." He sighed, "well she did kinda of freak out the other night." Here it comes, thought Ron.

"Better you than me. I can not handle female emotions, let alone figure them out. Anyway why was Hermione freaking out?"

Harry gave a very brief explanation of what had gone down in the Room of Requirement the other night. Rons eyes went wide. "Wow. I never knew Hermione had it in her."

Harry punched him in his shoulder. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"She's going through a rough time Ron. It's nothing to laugh about" Harry huffed angrily.

"Blimey Harry, that hurt!" He said rubbing his arm, "What do you think of the situation?" Ron asked after some time.

"I dunno really. Of course we've been best friends for ages, but we've only been a couple for a few months... I think it's best if we both wait until we're both sure. I don't want to do anything either of us would regret. I care for her too much. Plus, there's a lot going on right now, her hormones are probably a wreck." Harry said sincerely.

"You guys really deserve each other y'know. She helps balance you out and you her. I've never seen her so happy." Ron coughed, "I don't think she'd ever be that happy with me. It's good you two ended up together."

"Thanks mate." Was all Harry could say.

— —
Hermione snuck down to the common room an hour later. Harry was dozed out on the couch, and she found Ron sitting down at the table with a letter. He looked concerned. She must've been too loud because Ron lifted his head up from the parchment and gave her a warm smile.

"Hey." She said softly.

"It's late. Shouldn't you be getting your beauty sleep?" He joked.

Hermione chuckled. "Yes, it does take a lot to look this good. But I couldn't wait to hear about your conversation with Harry. Did you find anything out?"

"Believe it or not I did. He basically told me he didn't really know how he felt. He didn't want to do anything either of you would regret. He said he cares too much to let something like that ruin your relationship." He lifted Hermione's chin up to look at her in her eyes. "He really cares for you Hermione."

"Seems as if I was worried for nothing, huh?"

"Yeah. But that's just you," He shrugged. "You always seem worried about one thing or the next."

"Yes, I suppose you're right." The two sat in silence for awhile before Hermione looked over at the sleeping Harry on the couch. She got up and went over to take his glasses off and smooth his hair back. She loved to see him so peaceful. She hadn't seen him that way in a long time. She took the blanket from the back of the couch to place over him. She kissed his forehead and bid Ron goodnight. Then Ron was left alone again.

He'd have to get back to this troubling letter later. For now he go up to the lonely dormitory, but he doubted he'd get much sleep.

— —

Thanks for reading once again! What do you guys think of me incorporating more of the Golden Trio into the story? Is it more realistic? Tell me what you think in the comments, I'd really appreciate it because I don't really know what you guys want from this story. That's kinda discouraging because I feel as if you guys aren't liking the story :/ Thanks for reading! As always I hope you enjoyed all 1058 words of it! And another update will be coming your way soon ;)

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