Chapter 5- Unbreakable Vow

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Harry awoke the next morning, exhausted and confused but these feelings soon dispersed after he reminded himself that he and Ron were to depart for the Burrow in a few hours. It was now very clear it was impossible that Ron and Hermione would make up with each other before the holidays began, but perhaps, somehow, the break would give them time to calm down, think better of their behavior... Harry's hopes were low and he knew better than to think about it any longer.

Speaking of his best friends, Harry didn't know exactly how he was feeling about his female best friend. Last night had been a blur after their kiss.
Harry wasn't exactly sure why Hermione did it. She didn't say anything except for a 'good night' when they'd reached the common room that night.

He was sure they probably wouldn't see each other until after the holidays, since Hermione wouldn't be at the Burrow. He'd be stuck with his thoughts of that night until term began again...

"An Unbreakable Vow. Are you sure that's what Snape said?" Ron said.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Positive." He'd just been telling Ron everything he and Hermione had heard Snape and Malfoy say last night. Of course he left out the part about the kiss and Hermione being there.

"It's just, you can't break an Unbreakable Vow."

"Funnily enough, I've worked that part out for myself." Harry replied.

"Harry!" Ron shouted.

"What?" said Harry, irately. Apparently Harry has been staring into space, looking very strange, for the past five minutes.

"Mate, I've been screaming your name for five minutes! You alright there?" Ron now looked at Harry concernedly.

"Fine. Just excited to be getting away for the holidays."

"Same here, we'll all be together again." Harry didn't know how excited Ron was considering his tone.

"What'd you mean?"

"I mean me, you and Hermione, of course." Harry felt sick.


"She didn't tell you? Well, of course it was Ginny's idea. She said something or another about me being a 'daft dimbo', and that both of us needed to get over ourselves and be friends again." Ron said, sounding bored.

"So she'll be spending the holidays with us too?"

"Yes! Was I not clear?" Harry didn't reply to Ron's rude comment, he was too busy thinking of ways to avoid Hermione while at the Burrow. While he was at it, he should think of ways to avoid Ginny too.

Just then, someone showed up outside their compartment. And it was not the trolley lady; It was Lavender.

"Oh bloody hell..."

She looked adoringly at Ron while he put on a face and waved for her. She smiled giddily and pressed against the glass breathing heavily. Her breath started to fog up the glass, making Harry feel sick. Suddenly, she looked as though an idea had popped into her head. She giggled a nauseating giggle and proceeded to write on the glass using her pointer finger. Her drawing was of a heart with an arrow protruding out of it and within was, 'R + L Forever'. Once she was done, she sat back to admire her work. She looked up once more and blew Ron a kiss before turning away.

Harry turned towards his best friend, "Lovely!" He said sarcastically.

"All she wants to do is snog me!" Ron shrieked. "My lips are starting to get chapped. Look!" He leaned forward to show Harry the evidence.

"No, I'll take your word for it!" Harry said, backing away. Ron calmed down but he still looked conflicted. They both looked back at Lavender's art work on the compartment door just as someone else was passing by. Hermione looked disapprovingly at the glass. She looked as if red-hot steam would pour out of her ears any minute. With one last glance, she turned away. Harry looked disappointingly at Ron, who in turn, ignored it.

"I take it things aren't going well with Lavender then?

"Things are...going. Lavender seems pretty bummed we won't be seeing each other for almost three weeks..." Ron said uncertainly.

"I'd assume you feel the same way?" Harry said, picking on the seat in their compartment.

"Er... see that's the thing. I'm actually kind of glad we're getting a break away from each other." Harry raised his eyebrows.

"You see, Lavender's great and all but there's just so much snogging we don't really talk..." Harry didn't say anything so Ron took this as a que to go on. "Don't get me wrong, the snogging is great and all but I know there's supposed to be more to a relationship than that."

"That makes sense. Why don't you try just talking to her?"

"Believe me, mate, I've tried. But one thing leads to another and — "

" — I think I get it, Ron." and that was the end of their conversation for the remainder of the ride.

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