Chapter 7- Feelings

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Harry leaned against a pillar in the stone corridor, a piece of parchment held in his grasp. The Daily Prophet to be exact. The Weasleys, Harry and Hermione returned back to Hogwarts along with the rest of their school mates. The only talk around school was the incident that happened over the holidays, of course at the Burrow. Of course the Daily Prophet was all over it, speculating things Harry didn't dare repeat.

He heard footsteps behind him but he didn't move from his position. "Hermione."

She came into his point of view, opening her mouth then closing it. "How did you-? Never mind. Have you seen—" She looked down at what he was holding. "Never mind again." Harry looked at her questionably. She looked annoyed. There was something in her tone and the line creasing her forehead was particularly prominent today. It was Hermione just being Hermione of course, but something told him she was troubled.

"Are you alright?"

"If you're referring to Christmas, then yes Harry, I'm fine." She said, irately.

"I wasn't talking about Christmas." Harry said pointedly, moving closer to her subconsciously.

Harry noticed her visibly stiffen at this action. He smirked. She looked at him, something in her eyes speaking to Harry but he couldn't quite pinpoint what she was trying to say. His eyes flashed to her lips for a brief moment and he almost backed away in fear of the feeling that rushed up from his chest and settled uncomfortably in his throat. He cleared his throat and the look in Hermione's eyes vanished.

Hermione pursed her lips before turning and walking down the busy corridor. "It's so easy for them to get to you. You're bloody lucky you weren't killed." Hermione ranted. "You have to realize who you are Harry."

Harry very nearly smirked. It wasn't news of any sort that Hermione would be worried over him like this, Harry just found it more endearing this time for some reason. The lump in his throat was in the forefront of his mind. The thought of Hermione caring over Harry rustled something in his chest. This rustling felt oddly good too. Disregarding his thoughts, and the tingles in his chest, Harry's mouth seemed to form words before his brain could process his actions, and they poured out before he could stop himself. "I know who I am, Hermione." Harry said, irritably. Why would his mouth betray him? He didn't mean to say that at all. He supposedly should be glad because what he planned to say wouldn't be appropriate to say to his best friend. To Hermione especially. "Sorry."

The two turned the corner and were immediately given front row seats to the Won-Won and Lavender show. Harry noticed the necklace Ron had received at Christmas dangling around his neck. He almost smirked but he noticed Ron's disgruntled expression. Trouble in paradise, eh? Hermione faltered behind him. "Excuse me, I have to go vomit." Harry turned to see her leave, feeling disappointed as he continued his trek through the halls alone.

— — —

The new term started the next day with a pleasant surprise for the sixth years: a large sign had been pinned to the common room notice boards overnight.


If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before 31st August, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apparition Lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apparition Instructor.
Please sign below if you would like to participate.
Cost: 12 Galleons.

Harry and Ron joined the crowd, signing their names like everyone else. Ron had just taken out his quill to sign after Hermione when Lavender slithered behind him, slipped her hands over his eyes and said in a very annoying voice; "Guess who Won-Won?" Harry very nearly gagged and he could see Hermione beginning to stalk off in the corner of his eye. Not wanting to be witness to anymore of Lavender's display of affection, Harry sought to catch up with Hermione. To both of their surprises, Ron caught up with them shortly after, his ears bright red and expression disgruntled. Hermione continued to walk briskly beside Harry.

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