Chapter 14-New Beginnings

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Hermione awoke the next morning to a very bright light in her face. She groaned and covered her eyes to shut out the light above her. She rolled around, trying to get more comfortable when she realized she wasn't in her cozy four poster bed. The surface beneath her was hard, even though there was a blanket under her. The 17 year old also found herself wrapped in strong arms, that were surprisingly very comfortable. Then all of last nights events came drifting back to her..

She had aced her apparation test then came to the astronomy tower with Harry..

They had looked at the stars, but they didn't talk much. It was peaceful though. Hermione loved every second of it. She had thought of how she had managed to get so lucky most of the time they spent together. She guessed they'd fallen asleep, judging how the sun was still coming up and they were still on the top of the astronomy tower.

She reached over Harry and checked his watch on his left wrist. Her eyes bulged when she saw what time it was. She shook Harry awake who bolted right up. "Harry, get up! We're late for class!" Hermione shrieked.

"S'too early 'Mione," he slurred, falling back on the blanket.

"Harry," She groaned, "If you don't get up now, you're going to have at least a month of detention with Snape!"

Harry groaned, finally getting up and sliding his glasses into place.

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't lonely. It was a stupid decision what she had done that day. She regretted it everyday. Not many people had been talking to her since her mistake. Except for one. One Draco Malfoy..

Ginny Weasley had found comfort talking to the blonde. It was definitely a love hate relationship though. He understood her, listened to her, gave her advice and when she didn't want to talk to anyone, he was always there to hold her. He had become her best friend, and also her only friend.

Nobody talked to her since they found out she was the one who gave Harry the love potion. Not even Ron. Word got around school quickly that Ginny Weasley, sister of Harry Potters best friend Ron Weasley, had slipped him a love potion. Some people said she didn't even give him a love potion in the first place, and that Harry just wanted to cheat on his new girlfriend, Hermione Granger. She knew an apology just wouldn't do it this time around. They wouldn't believe her anyway.

She just wanted someone to love her. Dean didn't do the trick. It was blissful and euphoric in the beginning. She thought she had found the one this time. But the kisses and cuddles only led to arguments..

She was so hurt when they broke up. So embarrassed she lied about who dumped who and why. Dean dumped her because she was apparently a 'self absorbed brat, who only cared about herself'. She couldn't believe it.

She cried for weeks. She'd lost Dean and Harry. So she came up with the great idea to give one of her best friends a love potion. He could be a replacement. A distraction from the pain..

Draco helped her through her losses. He was sweet when you got to know him. They usually spent their time in Murtles bathroom, and she'd usually leave the couple alone once she'd see them enter. Whenever Draco wasn't disappearing to Merlin knows where, they were inseparable. In fact, she was off to meet her best friend now.

"Hello?" She said opening up the door and knocking, "Anybody home?"

She walked into the bathroom fully to see nobody. Which was odd because Draco had told her to come during lunch..

Strong arms suddenly wrapped around her waist and she was lifted slightly off the ground. She shrieked as Draco twirled her around. "Draco, put me down!" She giggled. "As you wish, red" Draco put her down gently.

After she had regained her composure, she asked her best friend the question she'd been dying to know. "Why'd you call me here anyway?"

Draco smirked, "It's been awhile since we've hung out, and I guess I just wanted to see my best friend,"

"Who said I wanted to see you?" She said, crossing her arms.

"Considering you couldn't keep your eyes off me at dinner last night, I figured.." Ginny blushed, even though she knew he was teasing.

They spent the rest of lunch talking about what'd they missed in the other ones life, which wasn't much for Draco. As the conversation went on, Draco realized that he loved listening to someone else other than himself...

A/N: This chapter was so easy to write, I'm wondering where the big mistake is..
Anyway, Drinny is happening! Do you guys like Drinny? Hate it? Or..? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to share vote and comment! Until next time 👋🏽

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