Chapter 10-The Raven and Fox

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The rest of the week passed by Harry in a blur. Dumbledore was planning to leave again on the weekend. The teachers laid off on the homework a bit. Defense against the Dark arts was getting progressively harder also. He suspected Dumbledore wanted them to be prepared against anything. Other than that, Harry had been thinking, about Hermione particularly.

He wanted to take Hermione out on a date. A proper one at that. Not like the little picnic they had on the grounds. He didn't know if he could even call that a date. He had covered it up by saying 'best friend'.

Now that they were dating, it was expected to go on dates and do couple stuff, right?

There was a Hogsmeade weekend coming up, so Harry decided what a better time to ask?

He said the password 'Flying Bludgers' to the Fat Lady and entered to find Hermione sitting at the table and whispering excitedly with Pavarti.

He started walking over to them when Parvarti spotted him and pointed towards him. Hermione stopped talking and turned towards him with a smile.

"Well I'll just leave you two alone then." Parvarti said as he approached. Harry didn't miss the smug look she gave Hermione. Then something even stranger happened. Hermione giggled, a very un-Hermione giggle.

When Parvarti left, Harry turned to Hermione. "What was that all about?"

"Oh you know, just girl talk." Hermione said nonchalantly.

Harry knew she wasn't telling him something but decided to leave it alone for now. "Uh huh. Anyway, there's a Hogsmeade weekend coming up, and well-" Hermione watched his struggle with amusement. It was just so 'Harry' of him to get anxious about things like this, even if she was his girlfriend. Hermione thought it was sweet for him to get so worked up over her like this.

"Harry Potter, are you asking me out on a date?" She interrupted.

"I reckon I am, Hermione Granger."He teased back. "So is it a yes?"

Hermione grinned. She leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Before she could get too lost in the kiss, she pulled back slightly, "How does that answer your question?" She whispered against his lips.

Harry grinned and leaned back in for another kiss, only to be interrupted by none other, "Bleh! You guys are sick." They pulled back to see Ron making fake gagging noises. Harry grabbed one of the red pillows from the couch to throw at Ron.

"Oh please Ronald. Don't pretend that isn't what you've been doing with Luna." She crosses her arms across her chest. She looked serious but Harry knew she was only teasing Ron. It was fun to see Hermione take the mickey out of Ron. It was almost like old times again.

The tips of Ron's ears were suddenly very red. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Harry was in stitches with laughter. "Luna? Loony Luna?"

"Hey! She's not loony." Ron said indignantly.

"He's right Harry. Luna is a very nice girl." Harry almost couldn't believe what he was hearing and how snogging Hermione turned into this.

"Yeah well she must be a very good snogger too." Harry had to put his fist in his mouth to stop from laughing. Ron and Luna Lovegood. 'Loony' Lovegood as Ron would've said last year.

Ron threw a pillow at Harry before Hermione shook her head and started talking again. "Well I'm off to the library, would you guys like to come?" The last thing Harry wanted to do was see another book. The teachers laid off with the homework a bit, but not enough to make Harry actually want to go to the library.

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