Chapter 2- New Confidant

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This chapter has been edited.

Hermione Granger's sixth year at Hogwarts had been quite lonely. Her sixth year had consisted of many things, the most pressing being having her heart broken, by none other than Ronald Weasley.

How did this occur, you ask? The root of this very stressful issue started last year in Hermione's fifth year. She'd come to a realization that she'd been feeling different around her male best friend for what seemed like a very long time. This was of course troubling for Hermione because she couldn't figure out why. She could usually solve every problem presented to her, why not this one? The moment she did find out what was truly happening could not be pinpointed but it was severely noted. Since then she'd been denying it. She couldn't truly have a crush on Ron?

After many months of denying her feelings and focusing on the more pressing issues of Umbridge, she finally choked and accepted it for what it was. A crush. Hermione Granger had a crush on her best friend, Ron Weasley.

Hermione realized she had a choice to make. Pursuing Ron would undoubtedly make things weird between the trio. But then again, at the time Harry had Cho...

Hermione decided to keep her mouth shut. There were too may things happening at Hogwarts anyway.

The rest of term went by... Things started to change. Hermione's parents were asking more and more questions about school and she was lying more than ever! She was so grateful when Ron invited her to the Burrow for the rest of break. It was a chance to get away from the suffocating atmosphere at home and spend more time alone with Ron.

Not much happened but they were undoubtedly closer before term arrived.

The first few months back at Hogwarts were fine- great even! Then that dreadful night came...

Hermione and Ron were already arguing after the Quidditch match. She didn't mean to make Ron feel as if she didn't believe in his Quidditch abilities. She knew how sensitive Ron could be, and plus, he'd already won the match without the liquid luck. That in itself should have proven what great keeper skills he had! With everyone else being so happy that Gryffindor had won, Hermione tried to go on with the night as if nothing had transpired between her and Ron, for her own and Harry's sake.

In the beginning, the party was great even though Hermione had still been feeling the hurt that came with her and Ron's argument and also finding out Harry had outsmarted her for the first time. Everyone was celebrating Gryffindor's win, things seemed to be okay...

Then, in the middle of the Gryffindor common room, there was Ron and Lavender, snogging...

Ever since then, Ron and Lavender had been attached at the hip. They would mostly be seen snogging in plain sight.

With Ron and Lavender together, that left barely any time for Harry and Hermione to hang out with him, although Hermione didn't want to anyway. Harry and Hermione started to hang around each other more and they were often seen with each other.

For the first couple of weeks after Ron and Lavender started dating, she did everything in her power to get Ron to pay attention to her, not 'Lavvie'.

Soon she realized Ron and Lavender weren't going to breakup anytime soon, so she started to notice other boys. She noticed many boys, but one in particular stuck out the most. He wasn't like the other boys. His dark features, his sweet personality, and he was her best friend.

Harry Potter had managed to capture Hermione Granger's heart.

At first, she wanted to get rid of these feelings.  Why chase another boy she obviously couldn't have just to end up in disappointment? Especially since it was Harry, her best friend. Harry didn't show any interest in her anyway. Just because they were hanging out more didn't mean anything, he was just being a good friend. Besides, what would Ron think? After all, he still was their best friend.

Hermione sighed. Thinking of all this gave her anxiety. She was walking through the corridors back to the Gryffindor common room. She was previously in the library but then her thoughts started to wonder and she lost her focus. She thought it best to take a break for the night. Dinner was approaching anyway.

After saying the password and entering the common room, Hermione plopped down on the couch in front of the blazing fireplace. Resting her elbows on her knees and putting her face in her hands, she sighed.

"Rough night?"

Hermione's head shot up, looking for whoever had spoke. "Is it really that obvious?"

"You're dramatic depressed sigh gave it away." Neville shrugged.

Whatever book Neville had been reading was set down on the table and he moved from his position in a near armchair to sit next to Hermione. "So, what seems to be weighing on your mind tonight, Hermione?"

Hermione, recognizing what Neville was attempting to do, spoke politely. "Oh. Neville, thank you but I'm alright —"

"Hermione, trust me, I don't mind. If anyone can tell when someone is upset, it's probably me. Now come on, what's wrong?"

Hermione sighed, knowing that she needed to talk to someone about how she was feeling and that Neville was not going away until she did so...

"If you must know..." Hermione took a deep breath before collecting her thoughts. She was nervous. She'd never told anyone this since it had occurred. "There's a boy.... and I think I may be developing feelings for him." There. She'd said it.

"You have a crush? That's not so bad."

"Only that it is! I shouldn't have a crush on him at all actually. It's going to cause all these problems!  Oh, Neville I don't know what to do."

"What kind of problems, Hermione?" Neville inquires.

"Er..." Hermione halted. She'd never actually thought about what particular problems that could occur. She'd only thought of her situation with Ron and all the problems that came from having feelings for your best friend.

"Right. May I ask who is this person?"

Hermione stumbled. Should she tell Neville? She'd only just accepted it herself. Then she reminded herself the harm in telling Neville. She took a steadying breath. She looked around the common room before Turing back to Neville.

"Actually, it's um–"

Before she could finish, Neville gasped, covering his mouth with his hands. "It's Harry, isn't it?"

"Neville, how did you-" Hermione started, but again she was interrupted.

"I don't get it, what's so bad about having a crush on-"

"Hey guys!" Hermione's eyes widened.

"Harry!" She shrieked.

"Did I hear something about a crush?"

Hermione felt sick. "Crush? Nope!" She laughed nervously.

"Oh c'mon Hermione." Neville smiles smugly at Hermione.

"Neville," she spat through gritted teeth. "There is no crush."

"She's just saying that, Harry. Anyway, I think I should go now. Bye guys!" Neville left before he could witness the train wreck that was about to transpire.

Hermione glared at Neville as he walked towards the stairs leading to the boys dormitory.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" Harry pressed.

Hermione turned back to Harry, feeling very annoyed. "I'm not telling." She rolled her eyes, picking up her bag and getting up to leave.

Harry got up too. "C'mon, you're not going to tell your best friend?"

"No." Hermione said, feeling slightly giddy now. The fact of Harry wanting to know so bad amuses her.

"Then can I guess?"

"Harry, I've got homework to finish." She said turning around on the stairs. She ignored his callings and continued marching up the stairs.

Hey, what do you guys think of it so far? Next chapter there may be some drama, so get ready for that!

I don't really have anything to say except I'm as sick as a dog. I feel really gross rn, but you might get a chapter within the next 30 minutes tonight and one tomorrow! Anyway happy Saturday and GOODNIGHT!!!!

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