Chapter 3- Crushes

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This chapter has been edited.

"Harry, wait!" Ginny called after him through the corridors. Other students stared, watching for any drama to gossip about.

The truth was, Harry wanted nothing to do with Ginny. During the last few weeks of summer they had gotten closer, and Harry had enjoyed it, but little did he know she was writing to the Dean Thomas all summer. She had led him on, only to snog Dean when they got back to school.

She caught up with him. "Harry," she said panting, "I've been calling your name for the last five minutes! Didn't you hear me?"

Harry nudged off her hand she had placed on his shoulder off. "Ginny, I don't have time for this right now. Can't it wait?" Harry actually never wanted to see her again, but he didn't say that.

He sped up, trying to get as far away from Ginny as possible, but she kept the same pace as him. "I thought you liked spending time with me." She pouted. "You couldn't take your eyes off of me all summer!"

"And now you can't keep your hands off of Dean!"

"We broke up. I did it for you. For us." Ginny said in a pleading voice. But Harry knew what she was doing. She lost Dean, and now she wants him to feel sorry for her so he'd come crawling back, but Harry wasn't buying it.

"Look Ginny, you blew it. And whatever this was, is over." He muttered the password to the Fat Lady. The two of them entered and Ginny ran up to the girls dormitory, the sound of her angry footfalls lingering.

Harry groaned and sat down on the couch next to Hermione, who was reading a book. She looked up.

"Harry? Is everything alright?" She closed her book, and a worried expression came over her face.

"Yeah, it's nothing, just Ginny." He said as he pulled out his transfiguration book.

"I reckon everyone in Gryffindor can tell that it wasn't just nothing." Hermione sighed. "I heard Dean and her broke up."

"Yeah, apparently she did it just to get with me."

"You know, she really likes you. She only went out with Dean to get over you." Even though Hermione's crush on Harry was growing quickly, she wanted Harry to be happy, and Ginny made him happy.

"Well I don't care. She had her chance." Harry said quietly.

"So you don't like her anymore?"

"I think I might still have feelings for her, but very little. I've mostly gotten over her." Harry shrugged. "Speaking of... are you ever going to tell me who your crush is?"

Hermione chuckled, turning red as she set down her book. "So we're back to that now? I thought we were talking about you."

"We already talked about me. Now it's time to talk about you." Harry gave her a lopsided grin. Hermione's heart fluttered.

"Maybe I should go check on Ginny..."

Harry held back the urge to roll his eyes. "You're not getting out of this again, Hermione. I'll just keep asking."

"Let's just say, I want to keep this to myself for awhile."

"You told Neville."

"It's just Neville. He won't tell anyone." Hermione shrugged.

"I won't either!"

Hermione tilted her head, grinning at Harry. "And why do you want to know so bad?"

"Well, erm, I guess I was just excited you were finally over Ron..." Harry stayed quietly. Hermione could have just melted on the spot.

Hermione couldn't help it, she threw her arms around Harry. The two of them fell back on the couch. To anyone watching, this probably looked very strange...

"Oh, Harry. Do you really care that much?"

Hermione managed to back away a bit, just enough to see his face. "Yeah. You're my best friend." said Harry.

Hermione beamed at Harry. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Always being there."

"You're truly welcome, Hermione."

Sorry it got sentimental there at the end 😅. But there was a little bit of drama and Ginny may or may not be planning something...Lots of cool things might be happening. Like cho might come to the story 🤣What do you think of it so far?anyway as always comment vote and share :)

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