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"Caleb!" I yelled as I ran up and hugged him.

"Stop," He said, pushing me off of him.

We got in the car and drive to target.

"Where to?" I asked Hayley.

"Umm... electronics?" She said.

I followed her to the Electronics. We walked over to the case of iPods. There was the Shuffle, Nano, and Touch. She didn't really know all the differences, so I explained them to her.

"So the Shuffle just plays music, and you have to buy all the music. With the nano you can listen to podcasts, music, and watch videos. The touch is the best. It's just like an iPhone, but you can't call people," I said.

"Okay. I think I want to get the blue iPod Touch. Should I get a case?" Hayley said.

"Yeah." I said, as we walked over to the case section.


We walked over to all the cases. There were clear ones, leather ones, uber expensive ones, and over protective ones. I looked at all of them. Going with my judgement, and if the iPod was in my pocket when mom abused me or something, I think I should get a really protective case. I looked at the ones from some company called Griffin. They had some cases that were very drop resistant, dust resistant, and protective of the camera. I picked out one that was pink and black. Then we bought the iPod and case, and Annie paid for all $250 of it! Then we headed to the candy aisles. I got a box of Double Bubble and a box of Sour Patch Kids. We checked outband went to Caleb's car.

"Hey Caleb? Can we go to Bath & Body Works quickly?" I asked. I really wanted some perfume to cover up the smoke and alcohol smell. I still don't understand how Annie doesn't smell it.

"Sure, I guess." He said as he turned out of the lot.

We drove for a few minutes, then we parked in front of the store. Caleb waited outside while me and Annie went in. I smelled all the body spray scents, and I decided on one called Heart of Gold. I found the matching hand sanitizer as well, so I got that, and a little case for it that was sparkly silver. We paid and left. We got in Caleb's car and rode home. When we got to Annie's house, it was 6:30. Annie's mom wasn't home, but her dad was. She introduced me, and she said we went to the movies as an excuse. Shortly after Annie and I started setting up my iPod, her mom got home.


"Annie, who's this?" Mom asked.

"It's my best friend Hayley. We went shopping together, and Bubba drove us," I said.

"Well, okay. Hi Hayley, nice to meet you," Mom said as she shook Hayley's hand.

"Uh, mom, so Hayley's family doesn't have that much money, and she got hurt and can't afford to go to the doctor. Her leg hasn't gotten any better over that lest couple of days. Can you possibly check out her leg?" I asked.

"Sure! Anything for a friend of yours!" Mom said to me.


"So Hayley, please roll up your jeans so I can see your injury." Annie's mom said.

I rolled up my pants as she gasped.

"Oh my gosh! That's bad! Have you iced it?" She asked.

"No. We don't have freezer," I said.

"Wow. It's swelling a lot, and it's bruised! I'm going to have to see you tomorrow, and get you an X-ray. Can you come by tomorrow with your mom or dad so I can drive you to the hospital where I work?" She said.

"Umm, my dad doesn't live with us and my mom has to go to work early," I said. I lied about the second part.

"Oh okay. Just come by around nine tomorrow morning?" She said.

"Sounds good!" I said and grinned.

*next day*

I crutched over to Annie's house wearing leggings and a jacket. I rang the doorbell and Cara or Caysey (not sure which because they're identical) answered.

"Mommy Annie's friend is here!" She said.

"Let her in sweetie! If she wants, she can have the leftover pancake from breakfast!" Her mom yelled from upstairs.

"Okay. Do you want the pancake?" The little girl asked me.

"Sure," I said.

"Okay. Sit at the table and I can get it for you," She said as she grabbed a plate an syrup for me.

She put the syrup on the table and used a fork to get the pancake on the plate. She put the plate on the table and handed me a fork and butter knife. I said thanks and she ran upstairs. I poured the syrup on my breakfast and then started cutting it up. I scarfed it down so fast! It was delicious! The last time I had pancakes was two years ago, right before my aunt died. She made them for me. I then washed off the plate, fork, and knife and put them in the sink.


Annie's mom, or Katie, took my temperature, blood pressure, weight, and height. Luckily I was healthy for my age. Then I had to get my first ever X-ray. I laid down on a table and they took 2 pictures from straight up, 2 two from the left, and 2 from the right.

*few minutes later*

Katie came into the room and sat at a computer. She looked at the pictures of my leg.

"Hayley, it seems you have..."

Baby Independent (Bratayley version) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now