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"He's been kidnapped? My little caleb?" I said worriedly into the phone.

"Yes ma'am. We're sorry," The police said on the other end.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault," I said.

"Well, either way, we'll find your son. We won't stop trying until we can at least get his location," The police said.

"Thank you so much," I said, hanging up.

"Did you find caleb?" Hayley said, coming up from behind me.

"No, honey," I told her sadly.

"Oh," She said, leaving the room.


I can't believe it. My dad kidnapped me. Turns out he had a whole room for me, complete with a desk and everything. Kinda creepy. He also had some of my favorite foods in the fridge. Also creepy.

So here I am, sitting on my bed, playing on "my" laptop. Paul comes in and strokes my hair. I don't know what he did, but I blacked out. . . .

Sorry for the lack of updates! I was focusing on finishing Bye, I Guess... and starting the sequel. Don't worry, I'll try to do another update this week!

And it will be longer!!!

Baby Independent (Bratayley version) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now