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I woke up in a room with bright white.

"Hello?" My voice croaked.

"Oh Hayley!" Annie said as she came over to me.

Then the nurse tilted my bed so I could be sitting up.

"What happened? Last thing I remember was my mom yelling at me. . . wait, how did you even find me?" I asked.

"Well, long story short, I followed you home from school to see why you didn't want me to come over." Annie said nervously.

"Well, you found out." I said, probably sounding more annoyed than I actually was.

"Sorry. But you could have died you were hurt so bad! And your mom got locked up for 40 years by the way," Annie said.

"Okay." I sighed, "So how badly was I hurt?"

"Well, you have a concussion, a broken arm, a shifted knee cap, and a bunch of cuts and bruises. Oh yeah, and you fractured one of your  ribs," Annie said.

"Oh wow. Do I have to get a cast on my knee as well as my arm?" I asked.

"I don't know," She said.

Just then, the doctor came in and explained everything to me.

"So Hayley. I'm sure once you woke up Annie or her mom already told you what happened, but I'll say it anyway. When your mom hurt you, you got a concussion, which is why you passed out, and you have a broken arm, a shifted knee cap, and a minor fracture in one of your ribs. You will need a hard cast on your arm for a month, as it wasn't that bad, and a special brace on your knee to keep it in place until it heals," The doctor stated.

"Oh okay. Well, when will I get the cast and how long will it take my rib to heal? Also, how long will I have to wear the knee brace?" I asked.

"The cast will be done tomorrow, and I'm sure you've noticed you have a splint on now," The doctor started as I looked down at my arm. "Your rib should take about a month to heal, and you can still walk around, but don't run until 3 weeks from now. And the brace should stay on for a month, and you need to keep it on when you sleep," The doctor said.


The doctor put some medicine in my iv, then Annie and I talked a bit. Soon it was 9:30pm and they had to leave.

"Hayley, I'm sorry honey, but we have to leave now. We will come by in the morning okay?" Katie said.

"Umm, okay." I said. I didn't really want to stay at the hospital alone, but I knew I could handle it.

They were walking out, when I thought of something.

"Hey! Can you grab my backpack from my room for me? You don't have to bring it now, but could you in the morning?" I asked.

"Sure honey." Katie said. Annie waved bye, then they left.

Baby Independent (Bratayley version) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now