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Cast time now... I guess. The nurse put me in a wheelchair and took me up to the orthopedic floor with Annie. We went into one of the rooms.

"I'll go call the doctor in!" The nurse said.

"Okay." I said.

Annie and I talked until the doctor came in.

"Hey! I've heard about you from some of the other doctors. They are just amazed how you pulled through. Now, pick a color," The doctor said, handing me a binder with all the colors in it.

I looked at all the colors/patterns, then I had finally decided.

"Can I get the pastel blue with bright green stripes?" I asked.

"Sure! Let me get my supplies out." He said, walking over to a cabinet.

He opened the cabinet and pulled out the cotton gauze, blue fiberglass wrap, green fiberglass wrap, and latex gloves. He put on the gloves, turned on the sink to heat up the water, and sat down the two rolls of gauze, two blue wraps, and one green wrap on the table. Then he took the ace bandage off my splint and unwrapped most of the gauze on my arm, leaving the last layer. Then he wrapped the new gauze around my arm, and wet the light blue and wrapped it around the gauze. After that he unrolled the lime green and folded it in half longways. Then he made stripes on top of the blue. Lastly, he dipped his hand in hot water and rubbed it all over my cast. It was really hot and my arm felt like it was sweating. I just had to wait 15 minutes for my cast to harden, then Annie could sign it.

We left and I had to go back to the hospital room. My rib had apparently healed quickly so I didn't need to have a wheelchair. Once I was sitting on the hospital bed, the knee doctor came in and showed me how to put on the brace. It was really soft, but bulky. I got up and walked around, and it made my leg feel heavy. But I guess I shouldn't really care as long as I heal.

Tonight I get to go home with Annie and stay at her house, but I have to see some Social Workers tomorrow. They bring back bad memories for me and I'm not looking forward to it.

Baby Independent (Bratayley version) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now