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We went online shopping a few days ago for Hayley's room and now the stuff is here! Hayley and I pulled the packages to her room and opened them with a pair of scissors. We took out the comforter and sheets and put them on her bed with the decorative pillows. Then we put the lamp on her nightstand and set up everything else. An hour later, we were done and Hayley was so happy! Then the doorbell rang. I opened it, and for some reason that Mr. Dank guy was there.

"Hello Annie. Can I speak to your mom please?" He asked.

"Uh sure. She's in the kitchen," I said, going upstairs.


"What are you doing here, Paul?" I said angrily.

"Cara, go upstairs," He said.

"Mommy who's that? Why does he know my name?" My youngest daughter asked.

"Don't worry. He's mommy's 'friend'," I said.

"Oh okay," Cara said, skipping upstairs.

"So, again, why are you here?" I asked.

"Caleb. I want my son," He said.

"He's more of my son then he is of yours. I've raised him his whole life, and he doesn't even know about you," I said.

"So? We can tell him. Maybe you could dump Billy as well and leave him with your daughters. We could be together again," He said.

"Definitely not after what you did to me," I said.

"Oh come on, be reasonable-"

"And I am being reasonable!" I nearly yelled, then remembered the kids would hear me if I did.

"Look. I won Caleb back from you, fair and square. Just because we drugged Caleb to not remember you or Veronica doesn't mean you can have him back. He thinks Billy is his father," I said.

"Fine. I'm suing you," Paul said, leaving.

"And don't think you will win. You raped me, after all," I said.

Editing note: dang I just realized this is a fecking hot mess lol


I was watching the whole thing through our security cameras. Wait, so the guy who interviewed me a few days ago is actually Caleb's father, and Katie was raped. I'm so confused. . . so, does that mean Caleb is only Annie and twins' half brother? And Katie was together with Mr. Dank, and Mr. Dank reminds me of my dad and brother. What if Mr. Dank was my father, and Caleb WAS my brother?

Baby Independent (Bratayley version) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now