16 (interrogation pt. 2)

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Hayley walked down the hallway towards me.

"Go down the hall until there's a smaller hallway to the right. Turn there and enter the first room to the left. You're having an interrogation." She said.

"Okay." I said, standing up from my chair.

I went into the room and sat down in the only empty chair.

"Greetings, Julianna. What's your last name?" A lady said.

"Leblanc, and I prefer Annie or Anna Grace over Julianna." I said.

"Okay Annie, what is your relationship with Hayley?" The man in a suit asked.

"I'm her best friend." I said.

"How did you meet?"

"On the first day of school. We were at the same bus stop."

"What did you notice about her?"

"Well, she was wearing jeans that were too short, her clothes were dirty, her shoes were tearing at the front which made me think her sneakers were way too small, and she smelled a tiny bit like alcohol and smoke. But then again, I have nose problems and sometimes can't smell things or I smell something that's not even there, so I just shook it off."

"Okay then. . . so, how much do you hang out together?" The lady asked.

"Every day. She would always come over to my house but never wanted me to go to hers." I said.

"Why didn't she want you over?" The officer asked.

"Well, on Friday after school I followed her home and there was glass all over the house. I could see it from the broken window. Then, her mom came downstairs and started hurting her, then I called 911 and Hayley passed out." I said.

"Okay. One final question, do you know exactly how poor Hayley is?" The lady asked.

"She only had a few pairs of clothes and one pair of shoes until I gave her some of mine. She also didn't really have much food at her house and qualified for free lunch at school." I said.

"Thank you for your time. Please send your mom in." The officer said.

I went back to the lobby and sent my mom in.


I went back to the room and sat down in the only empty chair.

"Hello Mrs. Leblanc. It's been a while." Mr. Dank said.

"It certainly has." I said.

"Okay, so, do you like Hayley?" The woman asked.

"Yes, she is a very sweet child. That surprised me once I found out her situation." I said.

"Do you have a fostering license?" She asked.

"Yes. I got one in May of last year in case there was ever a need for it." I said.

"Would you like to foster Hayley? At least until we could find her dad." She said.

"Of course!" I said happily.

"Great! Fill out this paper work and we'll have you on your way." The officer said, pushing papers and a pen towards me.

I filled them out, and the officer and lady left. I was left in the room with Mr. Dank.

"So, how's my Caleb doing?" He asked.

"He's okay. I'm still not letting you have custody of him though." I argued.

"Why not babe? He's my child, not Billy's." he said.

"First of all, I'm not your 'babe', and I was the one who gave birth to him! You weren't even there." I said, hurt.

"But you have four kids, plus Hayley now. Can't I have him? I have no kids, no wife! And Caleb is what, 13 now? He should come with me." He said.

"Caleb is actually 15, and you still don't have a good reason to have him. Goodbye." I said, leaving the room.

I rushed out with Hayley and Annie.

"Why are we leaving so fast?" Anna Grace asked.

"No real reason, just speed walking is good for the heart, that's all." I said.

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