15 (interrogation pt. 1)

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Walking into Annie's house for the umpteenth time was amazing, but the fact I would get to sleep on an actual bed was exciting. I have no memory of sleeping on a bed, but I might have slept on one when I was little.

It's 7:30pm and Annie's mom is making lasagna for dinner. I've only ever had the school cafeteria version, and it was nasty, but Annie said this one dominates all the cafeteria food. That's saying a lot because I love a few of the foods, mostly the mac and cheese. Annie and I went upstairs and she put on her pajamas.

"You can wear a pair of my pajamas if you'd like." She said.

"Thanks!" I said as Annie handed me her extra pair.

I went into the bathroom and changed into the pink and white shorts and top, then put my clothes in my backpack. We went downstairs and sat at the table with Caleb and Annie's mom. Cara, Caysey, and their dad ate earlier. Ms. Katie put the lasagna on our plates and we started eating. I've never tasted anything THIS GOOD in my life!!!!! I ate the whole piece and drank all the raspberry lemonade after it. Then we had a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream with caramel and strawberries on top. Best dessert ever!!!!

After our delicious meal, Annie and I went upstairs and brushed our teeth. I didn't have a toothbrush but she had an extra one that was brand new so I used that one. Once we were ready for bed, we watched some MyLifeAsEva on YouTube. Ever since Annie showed me Eva's channel, I've fell in love with her videos. Her channel and Shaytards. After watching a lot of YouTube it was 9:30pm and we went to bed. I slept in the guest room. It was so comfortable that I fell asleep almost immediately!

*next morning*

"Hayley! We have to get up!" Annie said, tapping my shoulder.

"M'kay." I said.

I put on one of Annie's old shirts, my jeans, and my sneakers. We ate muffins for breakfast and then listened to Radio Disney while driving to the HR office. Once we got there, we parked the car and went inside. The front desk lady directed us to floor 3, so we went there. Once we exited the elevator, we went to the front desk on that floor.

"Hello! How may I help you?" The lady said.

"Hi. We made an appointment with Mr. Dank yesterday for Hayley Mikulak." Katie said.

"Okay. Go straight down the hallway to the right, and go into the second left door." She directed.

"Thank you." Katie said as we started walking.

We went into the room and greeted the guy, and then Annie and Katie had to leave and go out into the lobby/waiting room.

"Hello Hayley. Now, I need to take you into the interrogation room. Follow me." He said as we left.

We went down another hallway and into a small room with a table and four chairs. I took a chair on one side of the table, Mr. Dank took one on the other side, then a police officer type-person took another chair, and a lady social worker took another seat next to Mr. Dank, who was in the middle.

"Now Hayley, we are going to ask you some questions," He said, "Describe your mom for me."

"Well, she had blonde hair and brown eyes, she was probably 5'6", she had always been very nice and caring before my dad left with my older brother." I said.

"Where did your dad go?"

"Oh, um, he left me with my mom when I was somewhere around 5, and I don't really remember him. I just know he looked a lot like me. He took my brother, who should be about 13 right now. He wanted to take me as well, but my mom convinced him that she would raise me in a good environment." I said.

"What was your living environment like?" The woman asked.

"I slept on a blanket on the floor and I only had a few shirts and shorts and jeans. I had one pair of shoes and they were too small. I didn't get to eat dinner and breakfast every day because I either didn't have the money or I didn't have time to go shopping. And there was glass all over the floor and the house smelled like beer and smoke. I built a little fort for myself in the woods nearby the house and I would go there sometimes so I could get away from my mom because she was abusive."

"What did she do to you?"

"She would punch me and kick me and hit me with the bottles and call me mean things and sometimes she would even pour beer on me." I said.

"Okay. Can you please go out and get Annie for me?" Mr. Dank asked.

"Yeah." I said. I got up and left the room.

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