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I told Caleb right after I found out.

"What do you mean I was drugged?" He asked in disbelief.

"You forgot about everything that happened in the past when your mom got custody of you. And I still think we could be siblings because I remember my dad left me and took my brother who was five at the time, but I can't put a finger on his name for some reason," I said.

"All I know is that your and my baby pictures have the exact same face when we compared them earlier," He said.

"Should we tell mom that we know?" I asked.

"I think we deserve an explanation," He agreed.

We found Katie sitting at the kitchen island, texting someone.

"Hey mom? We need to talk," I said.

"Yeah?" She said, setting her phone down.

"We need an explanation. Spill," Caleb said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Katie shifted on her stool.

"Yes you do. I heard your whole conversation through Nest yesterday," I said.

"Oh boy. Okay okay, here's what went on," Katie started.

"Mr. Dank, or Paul, and I were happily married. Then we had Caleb, but his original name was Franklin, which I'm glad I was able to change it. But I'm really sorry Caleb, but you were sorta kinda an accident. I didn't want to have kids until I was in my mid thirties. But Mr. Dank forced me to. It was horrendous. Then we tried to divorce once Caleb was born. He ended up winning custody of Caleb through a bunch of lies. Then he left me for some lady whom he had been cheating on me with for our whole relationship. I met Billy, and once I told him everything, he said he would never do anything like that. Then I had Annie, and I started doing everything for her like I imagined, knowing Caleb wouldn't get to have a life like that. Then when Caleb was five, I found where he was, and I won custody of him, because apparently Mr. Dank and his new girlfriend were beating you to get you to do everything for them, and you were way behind in school. So then, we drugged you to forget him and all your memories of him, and that's why you always thought Billy was your dad. And that's also why you have to take that medicine every night, to keep the drug working," Katie said.

"Oh my gosh," I said.

"Wow. So, can I stop taking the medicine?" Caleb asked.

"Now that you know, yes, you can. But be prepared for those terrible memories," Katie said.

"Wait. I remember that when my brother left with my dad, my brothers name was Franklin! But I would have been only a toddler when he left, if Caleb was my brother," I said, slightly confused.

"Um, yeah. About that, I'd have to ask Paul himself," Katie said.

Baby Independent (Bratayley version) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now