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The night in the hospital was boring, and the nurses were really obnoxious because they had to get my vitals every two hours, so they kept having to wake me up in the night.


That morning, I quickly threw on clothes and mom and I left to see Hayley. We almost left the house, when I remembered what Hayley requested.

"Hey mom! Let's stop by Hayley's house band get her backpack for her."

"Okay," Mom said.

We walked down the street and to the woods. When we came upon Hayley's house, we slowly opened the door. Mom was shocked about the stench of alcohol and smoke and the amount of glass on the floor. We walked upstairs, avoiding stepping on glass. Once we were up the stairs, there was a small hallway. There was glass upstairs too. We walked into one room, which I guess was Hayley's. There was a small wooden table that was missing a leg, so it was leaned against the wall. It had a matching wooden chair that looked very broken, and a pile of blankets and a pillow on the floor, which I assume is her bed. How could Hayley not tell me this?! There was also a pile of clothes in the corner, with her backpack by it. I picked up her backpack. The top zipper was undone. I looked inside. She had two notebooks, a pencil, and her iPod in it. I guess mom saw the iPod because she asked a question.

"If her mom can't afford a mattress, how could she get an iPod?" Mom said.

"Well, I kinda sorta bought it for her on her birthday. . ," I said, nervous at what mom would say.

"That's so sweet of you!" Mom said, "now let's get out of here. The smell is killing me!"

I agreed and we left.


I was just finishing up my Cheerios when my best friend and her mom walked through the door.

"Hayley!" Annie said as we hugged.

"It's so good to see you! Especially since I'm bored out of my mind here," I said and Annie laughed.

"Hey girls, I have to go clock in and start work now. Will you be okay?" Katie asked.

"Yeah!" Annie and I said at the same time.

Once her mom left, Annie and I talked.

"Hey, you know what would be fun?" I said.

"Nicknames?" Annie suggested.

"Actually, thats right!" I giggled.

"I have one I've thought of. You know how I'm babied, right?" Annie said.

"Yeah, and how I'm independent?" I said.

"I could be Baby and you could be Independent!" Annie said.

"Yeah! The Baby and the Independent! I love it!" I said.

"I think it should be like this though:" Annie started, "Baby Independent!"

"I like it," I said, nodding my head.

"Baby Independent!" We yelled at the same time.


Baby Independent (Bratayley version) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now