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"Annie? Listen to me. Caleb isn't dead," I told her.

"Yes he is! He got kidnapped and killed, I just know it!" She screamed in my face.

Five weeks have passed since Caleb disappeared, and Annie has completely lost it. She was getting depressed at first, then two days ago, her personality completely switched around. She is giddy all the time, and too elated for my liking. She also is so convinced Caleb is dead, and that she is dead too, and our family isn't on earth, but heaven. According to her, caleb was locked in a tower (like rapunzel) and was killed in heaven and he went away forever. I honestly don't have a clue what's going on in her head.

I decided it was no use arguing against her, so I simply left her room and went to mine. I was so sad without Caleb, my big buddy. I miss him so much, even though I didn't know him that well. I guess he was just that little ray of sunshine, huh?

Just then, I got an email. I opened it.

From: PaulIsSupaDank7@gmail.com
Subject: From Caleb, not Paul

Hey Hayley, I don't have much time to type this... So, I was taken by Paul Dank and I'm at his house. So it's not like I'm suffering to death. He just wanted to hold me hostage until Katie gave up trying to look for me, so I would be with him forever.

By the way, I found something interesting yesterday about you in his office. It was some folder that had your name on it. I read it, and prepare to be shocked.

You ar

Sent from my MacBook

Well, I guess he couldn't finish typing or something. 'Ar' probably is 'are', so, I am what?


I am still mad at myself that I couldn't finish the email. Paul came back from the store so I had to just push send. I actually had to sprint to my room from his office and spill the Jenga blocks everywhere to make it not look suspicious, but more like I had just lost Jenga to myself. Paul walked by my room with three bags full of stuff from Target.

"Time to finish up her room!" He said, turning the corner.

Baby Independent (Bratayley version) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now