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(By the way, Hayley got her walking cast off a week before this chapter is set)


Hayley and I have been best friends for almost two months. She's been to my house plenty of times, but every time I suggest going to her house instead, she quickly responds with a "no!". So I'm going to follow her home and see why she doesn't want me to come over.

I got off the bus and we parted our ways. But instead of going home, I followed her by about twenty feet back. I was wearing my quietest pair of sneakers I owned. After walking down the sidewalk for a good minute, she turned into the woods. I carefully watched my steps, being sure to not to step on any fallen leaves or twigs. Hayley turned onto a different path about 30 seconds later. I saw a small two story house, which Hayley was walking towards. I hid myself behind a tree until she entered the house. I moved forwards and peered through the window.

Well, the hole in the wall.

There was no glass in the window. But there was broken glass everywhere in the house. Hayley had gone upstairs, then came back down with the math textbook, a notebook, and a pencil. She sat the homework down on the small table, brushed some glass off the chair, and sat down. She opened her books and was about to write something, when she put the pencil down. She turned around as I ducked. I lifted myself up a little, and saw that she was no longer facing me, but walking over to the pantry. She opened the door and frowned. I think she was looking for some food. She sat back down on the chair as I heard someone walking. I looked towards the stairs, and I saw a woman walking down the stairs, swaying to the left and right. Is that Hayley's mom? She looks like her. But is she. . . drunk?

The woman walked over to Hayley.


"I was at school Vero-, er, mom," Hayley said as she backed into the corner.

"NO YOU WEREN'T! I JUST KNOW YOU'RE LYING!" She screeched. She smacked Hayley across the cheek. Hayley didn't even wince.

"I'm telling the truth!" Hayley argued as she started to tear up, the fear present in her eyes.

"DON'T SNAP AT ME YOU LITTLE *****!" Her mom said as she kicked her in the stomach.

Hayley let out a little yelp. Her mom kept smacking and kicking her everywhere, bruises covering her body. Then, her mom did something even more surprising to me. Her mom picked up a alcohol-filled bottle and hit her in the head with it, the glass shattering everywhere. Hayley's tears were streaming everywhere, creating a little tear in my heart every time a tear hit the floor. Hayley's eyes started to close, when I undoubtedly knew I needed to do something. I can't just run in and save Hayley with that crazy lady in there. I pulled out my phone and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" My phone said.

"My friend is getting abused by her mother and is passing out," I said.

"Okay. Do you have an address?" They asked.

"No," I said.

"Okay. We will use the location of this phone then," They said.

I hung up and ran to the start of the path and to the sidewalk. Police cars and an ambulance were pulling up. I directed them down the paths and to the house. One officer held me back while two others pulled out their guns and kicked open the door.


"Freeze, or we'll shoot!" I yelled at the drunk woman.

"No!" She yelled, throwing a bottle at me.

I ducked and shot her in the leg. Thank goodness I didn't shoot the little girl behind her. My partnering officer handcuffed the lady while I got the EMT workers for the child.


I was so scared for Hayley. I hopped in the ambulance with her and we were on our way to the hospital right as my mom called. Shoot.

Me: (casually) hi
Mom: where have you been?!
Me: well, I followed Hayley home to see why she never wants me to come over, and long story short I'm in an ambulance with her because her mom was abusing her and she is unconscious.
Mom: oh my gosh! I'll drive right over!
Me: okay

I hung up as Hayley woke up for a second.

"Hayley!" I said as she closed her eyes again.

I sighed and wondered,

Why would she not tell me this?

Baby Independent (Bratayley version) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now