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"Honey, it's time to go." My social worker said.

"Just one second." I yelled from upstairs.

I glanced around my room one last time. My broken chair; the three-legged table; the blanket; my tiny little pillow that rested my head nearly every night for my entire life. I felt like I was forgetting something. On my table, I noticed a picture of my mom, dad, older brother, and me. I grabbed that and shoved it in my bag, and trotted downstairs. I felt every wall with my hands, and then gently closed the front door.

"Okay Hayley, hop in the car." She said.

"M'kay." I said, opening the door.


"So, when you are all healed up, do you want to do any sports?" Katie asked.

"Umm, I kind of like dance." I said.

"Sure! There's a dance studio near Annie's gym. I can sign you up there in a couple weeks." She said.

"Yay! And also, I really LOVE sketching and painting." I mentioned.

"We can get you a sketchbook and some pencils and paint. Well, paint's a bit messy, so I'm sure there are some painting classes at the YMCA." Katie offered.

"Really? I'd love that!" I said, cheering up.

We talked a little longer, then I hopped off the guest bed and went to my new room, which was connected to Annie's by a bathroom. I opened the door. My new room smells like fresh paint, since yesterday we just got it painted a purple-tinted white. In my room, there's a small desk and chair, a light blue rug on the hard wood floor, and a daybed with just a mattress on it currently. I sat on the mattress and looked around my room. Then, Caleb came in.

"Hey Hayley. What're you doing?" He asked.

"Oh, just nothing." I reply.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something." He said.

"Go for it." I responded.

"Well, you know how I look nothing like my family, right? Like, mom, Annie, and the twins have dark brown hair, and dad's hair is medium brown but I have light brown hair? What if I was adopted and drugged to think my parents are my actual parents?" He said.

"I don't think that's likely." I said.

"You're right. Katie and Billy would probably be arrested by now from getting drugs from somewhere." He said.

"Wait, come here." I said with a slightly puzzled look on my face. I was thinking...

We went into the bathroom and stood next to each other in front of the mirror.

"We have the exact same face shape, eyes, and hair color!" I gasped.

"What if we were-" Caleb started.

"No that can't be possible... or is it?"

Baby Independent (Bratayley version) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now