Chapter 3

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Every Girl is capable of murder

The five minutes passed agonisingly slowly, the girls were starting to get bored to death, as if getting arrested wasn't exciting enough for them

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The five minutes passed agonisingly slowly, the girls were starting to get bored to death, as if getting arrested wasn't exciting enough for them. They did manage to stay still and silent the whole time and, before long, the van came just on time, as the inspector had predicted.

Ikbal walked over to the officer driving the van and spoke a few quiet words to him, who then got out and came towards the girls.

He smiled apologetically as he reached them, "Sorry you have to miss your lessons, you aren't missing out on anything important are you?" The officer spoke in a calm voice whilst inspector Ikbal glared at them from the front of the van

"Not really, it's only Maths" Oliwia muttered in response.

"What do you mean 'ONLY' maths?! Maths is the most important subject we have!" Abir cried

The officer chuckled "Well I expect, you won't miss much of your lessons, we only need you for an hour or two."

"Well we still get to miss all of Maths and maybe even Science!" Mahnoor quietly whispered excitedly.

The officer opened the back door to the grey police van and motioned for them to step inside. The girls did so quickly, though Abir was still a little wobbly and nearly tripped.

Once inside, the girls heard the door lock shut and the two police men enter the front of the van.

The back of the van was dark and cramped, the only light coming from the tinted black windows on either side. And as if things weren't bad enough already the seats were hard and uncomfortable as well. The girls squeezed in as their eyes adjusted to the darkened box.

"Well then, isn't this is depressing! I thought they would treat us better than this. They're taking us to a conference, not to jail!" Alice muttered, as they cautiously sat down on the metal seats.

Oliwia nodded "Yeah, but at least it's better than maths!" She joked attempting to lighten up the mood

Mahnoor sighed, leaning back with her shoulders slumped, "I'm starting to doubt what Dr Jo said. Are we really going to a conference?"

The other girls looked at Mahnoor blankly, leading her to continue.  "Why are they taking us in this police van and not the school bus or a taxi?"

"I wonder what it is that we are even here for. I mean we all knew Oliwia was going to get arrested sooner or later for stalking or for racism or for supporting Trump, but the rest of us? We are good girls! We are innocent, right? They're not  going to arrest us, are they?" Mahnoor looked suspiciously at each of them.

"Maybe they think we are accomplices!" Alice replied, smiling at her friends "We have all helped Oliwia with her dodgy stuff at one point" She elaborated, shrugging her shoulders.

"Hey!" Oliwia punched all of them "I haven't stalked anyone... today." She admitted and was about to say something else when Abir sat up, an annoyed look on her face, and interrupted her.

"You guys aren't taking this seriously! Do you realise what has happened? We are being taken to a POLICE STATION! Our lives could be ruined!" She growled at them, her head in her hands.

"Abir, we...We were just trying to lighten the mood, and don't worry, I know I haven't done anything illegal lately, so unless you guys," Alice looked pointedly at Mahnoor and Oliwia, before continuing, "...have been doing anything weird, then I am sure that it'll all be just be the conference like they said or some big misunderstanding. Right?"

Oliwia and Mahnoor nodded hurriedly, trying desperately to believe it themselves.

"Yeah sure, whatever..." Abir muttered before turning away from her friends and leaning against the metal wall. The rest of the girls glanced worriedly at each other, then they too leaned back and sat in silence, worry beginning to cloud their thoughts.

Sorry this chapter isn't that interesting, it's just building up to an exciting chapter 4! (Which will be out next Wednesday!) Since it's the half-term holidays next week, the chapter will be extra long! Yay! The song of the chapter is... This Little Girl- By Cady Groves, because one of these girls IS capable of murder!

Thanks again for your amazing support! You make Wednesday the best day of the week!!

- Pigeon, Potato and Glitter


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