Chapter 12

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The chapter where things actually get creepy


"Mahnoor are you bleeding?"
"No! Abir is on her period!"
"I can smell blood!"
The girls screamed in desperation. They were trapped. Blood dripped from peeling walls. All exits were sealed. There was no escape.

The lights flickered before turning on completely, illuminating the disgruntled face of Oliwia.

"Shut up everybody! It's just Halloween decorations..." She muttered as she turned on the light completely and then continued placing blood-red decorations on the wall.

The girls sighed in relief watching Oliwia decorating.

A whole week had passed since they found out about FF's body disappearance. They had wasted their whole week of holidays worrying about FF. However now they had accepted the fact that whatever happened wasn't their problem anymore, they would just let the police deal with it. So today on the last day of the half term holidays they had decided to celebrate the scariest night of the year at Oliwia's haunted house.

"Do you need help?" Abir asked Oliwia trying to act nice as she played a game on her phone.

"Well.. If you don't mind then find some blood for people to drink" Oliwia muttered continuing her work.

"So you are a vampire?!" Mahnoor yelled triumphantly.

"You already asked!" She screamed and walked up to Abir and grabbed her hand. "And I already answered the question." She carried on while pulling Abir towards the kitchen.

"Blood." She said and she left Abir in the kitchen.

"You can do the rest" she sat down and gave them a dirty look waiting for them to move.

" finished" Alice stated avoiding eye contact.

"The food isn't ready and we need some creepy music" Oliwia sounded like she gave up on the party.

"Music? I know the perfect music for our party! Mendes and Bieber will make our party amazing!" Alice exclaimed.

"Alice no"

However Alice didn't listen instead she started singing.


"Please don't..."


"Alice shut up"


"Never say never! Wait why did I just say that" Mahnoor realised what she had just caused.

"NEVER SAY NEVER... Is that a knife?! PUT THAT KNIFE AWAY" Alice said in fear.

Oliwia kept walking closer and closer to her holding onto a knife. Alice ran for her life but she ended up tripping over a pumpkin. Oliwia took advantage of this and kneeled over Alice pointing the knife right at her heart.

"Kill me if you've ever been my friend, kill me" Alice quoted.

"Gladly" Oliwia smiled mischievously as the knife got closer and closer to Alice.

"Alice you do not get to quote The Maze Runner©" Mahnoor cried showing more emotion than Alice, who supposedly was about to die.

But Alice didn't answer back, she had fainted or she was probably pretending to be fainted. This made it easier for Oliwia to keep Alice in place as she would stab her.

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