Chapter 6

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Behind this soft exterior lies a warrior

"Woo! We saved Abir" Alice grinned throwing her hands in the air

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"Woo! We saved Abir" Alice grinned throwing her hands in the air

"Yeah but now we need to find a way to save ourselves!" Mahnoor replied, looking around the darkened room.

Oliwia got out of her seat and walked swiftly towards the door, tugged on the handle, hopeful, but all that sounded was the click of a locked door. She sighed "He locked us in, he is so annoying!"

The others nodded their heads in agreement, "But what do you expect? We are in a police station, and we're suspects of a murder!" Mahnoor replied, her head in her hands.

"Ahha!" Oliwia exclaimed as the overhead lights suddenly flickered to life.

"I found the light switch!" She grinned proudly, as she turned back to the interrogation table, turning off the lamp on it. They all blinked, their eyes adjusting to the sudden bright light that filled the room.

Then Alice turned to Mahnoor, "Are... are you okay? I mean... Fiona was your best friend, once upon a time, and now... you know..." Alice looked anxiously at Oliwia, then turned back to Mahnoor.

Mahnoor looked flustered "It's just...whatever forget about it. I'm fine! We need to focus on getting out of here, focus on proving our innocence!" She replied determinedly.

The others nodded, then shared a worried look. "Okay then!" Oliwia agreed, and was about to go back to the door, when it suddenly burst open and Inspector Ikbal stormed back in, followed by the pleasant officer from before... but no Abir.

"Where is Abir? Where did you take her?" The girls spoke in unison.

"Quiet!" Ikbal yelled. They quickly sat back down, lips sealed shut. "Unfortunately, due to this waste of a police officer, Officer Owens over here" he gestured to the officer next to him, "Your friend Abir has been sent home!" The inspector glared.

The young officer, Officer Owens, sheepishly waved at the girls. "Well, sir, she...she didn't seem fit for interrogation, so... I thought it would be better to speak to her another time..." He chuckled nervously. "But don't worry her mother is with her".

"Humpf...not much use to keep you girls any longer." He spoke to the three, worried friends. "But be warned, from now on you will have a police guard watching your every step, so no one better not get any ideas about murdering more people, because you will be caught!" He glared at each of the girls, before pointing toward the open door. "Now, get out!" Ikbal growled.

The three girls, minus their fourth friend, stood up and began to leave. Mahnoor, however, paused and looked up at Ikbal with a confused expression.

"I just have one question before we go." She demanded Ikbal, who simply sighed tiredly in response.

"Where is Fiona's mum? Shouldn't she be the one pushing charges? She knows us all personally, we've been to the Filipowski household so many times, shouldn't she be here?"

Ikbal appeared surprised, like a rabbit caught in headlights, with no words left to say.

He splutter for a second, casting a glance at Owens, before speaking. "Didn't you know? Suzanne, the poor woman, collapsed after I told her the news. She's in hospital now, recuperating."

Ikbal paused, glancing sadly at the girls, "The doctors aren't sure if she'll make it."

Owens nodded sympathetically, "I worry about her other daughter. To lose two family members in such a short space of time, it must be devastating."

The inspector nodded brusquely. "Now, girls, you really need to leave. My patience is wearing thin."

The girls hurried out, as Alice waved goodbye to Officer Owens. Once outside the door slammed shut and they could hear the faint muffled sound of Ikbal screaming at Owens. "You idiot! What if this Abir is the murderer! You know one of them must be! And you've just let her do scott-free! What if that fainting palaver was all just an act? Mind you, it most probably was!"

The girls fidgeted, not sure whether to stay or go. But, before long, Officer Owens rushed out, blushing as he saw the girls, "Ah yes, um, hello girls!" He smiled, smoothing down his suit, "Come this way! Oh what time is it?" Without waiting for them to reply, he continued, "Goodness! School has probably ended by now, right? Your parents have of course be informed about... um... your police activity. They've gone back home, or to work, or back to cooking pasta and biryani or whatever... So ehm... should I drive you back?" He garbled, flustered.

"Um..." Mahnoor looked at the other two, "I guess we should call our parents..." she decided. Owen nodded. "Of course, yes, I'll just go get the secretary!" He began to walk away. "Stay here for just a moment!" He called to them, before dashing off.

"Let's just ditch this place" Oliwia said annoyed. The other two girls nodded and they all walked out of the place leaving all the drama of today behind.

As they walked out of the gleaming glass doors of the threatening police station, the sky suddenly turned grey, the weather matching the girls' mood. Obviously it was going to rain, this is England after all.
Let's just hope that the rain washes away the madness of today.


Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter, it may be a bit weird, but that's just because one of our friends stole the paper draft of this week's chapter!

MynameMydestiny was right! The real version of Abir is evil (She was the one who stole our draft!)...

queen_de_horror , potato says hi! 😈

This week's song is Warrior because we should embrace the warrior inside us all!
The girls will all need to be a warrior, especially considering the situation they are in now...

Bye for now 😘

~Pigeon, Potato and Glitter!

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