Chapter 15

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About a month had passed and everything had gotten back to normal. Well as normal as it gets... not a single news of FF's murder mystery and the police was off their backs. For now...

The best thing was that the four girls were still alive. Unfortunately they were all split apart. All in different parts of school.

Abir hitting people with dodge balls in P.E. Mahnoor singing Spanish nursery rhymes in her Spanish lesson. Alice arguing about Hitler not being dead in History. Oliwia converting people to her religion in R.E.

Each of them doing something different and having different thoughts.

Dodgeball. A sport she loves. Right in the middle of the hall holding a red ball stood Abir. She seemed angry or maybe she was just involved in the game. Abir stared at Sharon(Another friend of FF) and a second after the ball she was holding hit Sharon's face. A moment after the room filled with a torment scream coming from Sharon lying on the floor.

It wasn't that hard Abir thought and she walked up to Sharon. Sharon was surrounded by her friends and classmates as Miss Goren pushed past them trying to get to one of her least favorite students.

"Get up" she stated and gave Sharon a dirty look.

"I'm so sorry!" Abir started panicking.

"Don't apologise! If you want to be useful take this weak excuse of human to first aid"

Abir reached her arm out to help Sharon get up, but Sharon pushed her away and stood up with hesitation.

"What you waiting for?! GET OUT!!" Miss Goren shouted "I don't want any of your blood spilling here"

"Yes sir! ...Err... I mean Miss!"

The two girls quickly rushed out, afraid of Miss Goren as they got out Sharon suddenly stopped.

"It's all your fault!" She screamed at Abir as she pointed at her angrily.

"It was an accident!" Abir forged a sad face while she was laughing in the inside "The ball hit you by accident! I aimed it at Barbara! "

"Aww it was an accident, yeah right. I'm not talking about that idiotic ball! It's your fault that my friend is dead! You and your friends are going to pay for it." She shrieked as she walked away from Abir.

Abir stood there not knowing what to do.She looked at the place where Sharon stood a second before. Meanwhile Sharon headed to the nurse as Abir looked along the corridor, wondering what to do next.


Mahnoor is dead.
Well, she wasn't actually dead, she just felt dead.

Spanish was dragging on and Mahnoor was sick to death of the elefante que balanceaba sobre la tela de una araña.

How learning Spanish nursery rhymes was going to help her speak Spanish, Mahnoor had no idea. She didn't care about how many elephants could balance on the spider web. All she could think about was that fateful day, almost a month ago.

How could she forget it? Those piercing eyes staring deep into her soul and the words that rocked her entire existence.

Or maybe she was just being dramatic. Mahnoor was known as the overly dramatic one of the group.

But still, how could she forget that night? She couldn't. And trying to focus on the mundane activities of her Spanish lesson only made it harder to put the thought of FF's words out of her mind.

Mahnoor sighed and opened her textbook to a random page. As she looked over the words of Carlos and Juan, her mind could not help wonder about her three friends and what they might be doing while she suffered in silence.

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