Chapter 21

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Teenage girl commits suicide on the dawn of a new year!

A 15 year old girl, pupil of Manchester Preparatory High School, whose parents have asked for her name to remain anonymous, died from severe trauma after falling from Manchester Town Clock Tower.

The girl, whose parents claimed she suffered from various severe mental health problems, intentionally jumped two days ago after mourning for several months over the death of a close friend.

Four fellow students were also reported to have witnessed the event, but have been cleared of all charges and have resumed their normal life as they return to school today, on Monday.

A shaking hand carefully folded the stiff newspaper and placed it on the seat next to her.

The girl slowly stood up, stumbling slightly as the bus shuddered to a stop.

She grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder then took careful steps out of the folding door and began walking, almost mechanically, towards a pair of looming gates.

A loud voice slashed through the girls silent thoughts, causing her to look up in surprise.

"Mahnoor! Are you okay? How's life?"

Mahnoor smiled absentmindedly, "I'm fine... just sad to be back in school, y'know?"

Oliwia nodded, "Same, But did you see the news today?"

"Oh, yeah... I feel so terrible..."

"I don't! At least we're not going back to jail! My mum would be angry if she had to get me out of there for the fourth time... or maybe it's my fifth time?"

"But don't you feel bad about what we did? We're guilty! We pushed her out of the window and yet... the police don't seem to care!" Mahnoor exclaimed in surprise and frustration.

Oliwia stopped and frowned, "Wait... what? Are we talking about the same thing?" She rolled her eyes then pulled out her phone and showed Mahnoor the screen.

"Read this. I can't believe you haven't read it already!"

Mahnoor took the phone anxiously and began reading.

Killer finally caught... and it's not a 15 year old girl?

Adam Milton, a 28 year old Geography teacher at Manchester Preparatory High school, confessed to the murder of 14 year old Fiona Filipowski, a student of his, on the 1st January.

The previous suspects, four 14-15 year old girls who also attended Manchester Preparatory, will remain under police supervision until Adam Milton is released from questioning later today.

Adam Milton, who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol as he made his confession, was described by a former student as....

Mahnoor handed the phone back to Oliwia and closed her eyes.
"I can't read anymore."

Oliwia sighed and continued walking side by side with Mahnoor.
"I thought you'd be happy. We've found the murderer, case closed right? I always knew there was something wrong with him..."

"The case isn't closed!" A voice behind them suddenly shouted out and the two girls span around to see Abir standing behind them.

She quickly caught up to them and continued speaking.

"He can't be the murderer. It's not possible. You read the article; He was drunk when he made his confession."

"It doesn't matter, if he's arrested, then we're not suspects anymore! Look, let's just get to our first lesson and forget about this whole thing." Oliwia muttered as she steered the girls towards the approaching building.

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