Chapter 4

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You're lovin' on the murderer sitting next to you

After ten long minutes, the police van arrived at the terrifying police station

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After ten long minutes, the police van arrived at the terrifying police station. "Never thought I would end up here" Mahnoor said as Abir started trembling. "I always thought Oliwia would be the one to end up in jail." Mahnoor continued.

"She probably already has been arrested!" Alice joked, trying to cheer up her friends. At this Abir exploded.

"I can't believe you guys!" She raged, her body trembling. "How can you continue to joke about this?! This is serious! Our futures could be ruined! My life could be ruined! Do you really think the police would just take us for the 'so called conference' There must be a reason! And it was probably one of you!" She growled, glaring at her so called friends.

Inspector Ikbal's eyebrows rose as he listened intently to Abir's breakdown. As she drew to a close and started to rock back and forth, muttering under her breath, the inspector whispered to the other, kinder, officer next to him. "Take this girl away, calm her down, and give her a lollipop if you must." The nice officer smiled at Abir before leading her away from her friends.

"No! Don't leave us!" The other three girls said dramatically, almost kneeling down.

"Oh shut up." Inspector Ikbal grumbled, "You'll see her later!" He then turned around and began walking the same way Abir and the kind officer had gone, in the direction of the looming glass doors of the station entrance.

Once inside, the officer turned to the smart-looking receptionist behind the front desk, and spoke a few quiet words. The girls looked anxiously around the brightly-lit, breezy, yet oddly claustrophobic, police station lobby. The inspector turned back around. "Okay, come with me." He spoke, already walking away down a long, dark, echoing corridor. The girls had no choice but to follow him.

"Wait right there! Where's my daughter?!" An angry looking woman covered fully in an abaya ran up to them, just as the receptionist tried to stop her.

"I'm sorry ma'am..." Ikbal began to which he got interrupted by the angry woman.

"Sorry?! What are you sorry for?! Abir is the one that should be sorry!" She yelled "I knew it from the moment she got only 96% on her physics exam that she was turning into a bad girl!"

"Now where is she? I swear down the moment I get my hands on her..." Mrs Armed continued.

"Ma'am please follow me, I'll lead you to your daughter" the receptionist requested politely and led the angry woman away.

"She's one scary woman" Oliwia muttered to her friends.

"You know what this means?" Mahnoor asked them worriedly.

"Abir and Mrs Armed are going to finish all the lollipops?" Alice attempted to guess.

"What? No!" She shook her head "If Abir's mum is here, then it can only mean our parents will be here too. And from the way her mother acted It's obvious now that we're not here for a conference."

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