Chapter 9

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"See you later!" Oliwia called out absentmindedly as she left her house.
"Bye, Have fun! Don't murder anyone else" Her mother exclaimed.
"I'll try not to to! But I can't promise anything considering I'm about to meet my annoying friends" Oliwia said, mostly a reminder to herself.

In just under fifteen minutes Oliwia made it outside Mahnoor's house. Obviously Mahnoor was still inside her house, since she clearly couldn't understand the simple instructions of meeting her friend outside her house!
Oliwia got her phone on and called her friend, surprisingly Mahnoor picked up  only after three rings:
"Where the hell are you?! Wait. Let me guess you aren't even ready yet?!" Oliwia shouted in annoyance.

"Ehm...hello to you too! Er... of course I'm ready! I am just waiting for you!" Mahnoor lied frantically.

"Don't lie to me! Do you realise I'm outside your house right now?!" Oliwia growled.

At this point Mahnoor had accepted her penance, she knew Oliwia was going to kill her, so she just blurted out: "Me no English! Pasta la Vista!" Then quickly hung up on Oliwia and returned to straightening her hair. If you gotta sneak out you gotta do it in style.

Angrily, Oliwia called Mahnoor again but this time all she heard was: "Welcome to Lycamobile. Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system, after the tone please record your message..."
Yep Mahnoor had turned her phone off and sent Oliwia straight to voice mail.

But Oliwia wasn't going to give up so easily, she got some stones and started throwing them onto Mahnoor's window.
After some hits Mahnoor finally opened the window just as Oliwia was throwing another stone which unfortunately ended up hitting Mahnoor on the face.
"Ouch that hurt! Are you trying to ruin my beautiful face?!"

"Your face is already ruined and that stone serves you right for being late!" Oliwia said matter of factly.

Mahnoor knew her friend was pissed off so she tried to get her even more pissed of! She winked at Oliwia and then exclaimed "Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?"

Oliwia frowned, looked at Mahnoor up and down, then took a picture of her posing as Juliet in her window.
"Hey!" Mahnoor pouted "You better delete that!"

Oliwia only smirked in response and put her phone away. Mahnoor rolled her eyes then turned away to walk back into her room. Just a moment later she came back into her balcony holding a bundle of sheets.
"Okay now that I'm in my balcony we are going to try this again" She called out with pure determination "Romeo, Romeo wherefore art..."

"NO ROMEO HERE!" Oliwia interrupted her, she really didn't want to listen to the entire monologue.

"Oh, you are just Oliwia" Mahnoor said disappointed.

"I'm better than Romeo! Would Romeo have brought a potato for you?! Oliwia said gleefully as she took a potato out her pocket.

"Whatever... here catch!" Mahnoor called out as she chucked the bed sheets over the balcony into Oliwia's opened hands. Oliwia clutched the bed sheets with one hand as she used the other to throw her potato at Mahnoor's annoyed face.

"Ow! Stop it! First the glue stick then a potato and then some stones and now another flipping potato!!! My fabulous face can't take all of this abuse in just one day!" Mahnoor broke down, she then turned around with a flick of her not-so-straight hair because someone wouldn't let her straighten her hair!

She went back into her glittery room where she tied the end of the sheets to her bed. "Okay, that should hold!" Mahnoor called out to Oliwia, who was waiting impatiently down below. Mahnoor appeared back out on the balcony and peered over to see Oliwia's annoyed face.

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