Chapter 5

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Wish we could turn back time

Fiona Filipowski was truly dead

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Fiona Filipowski was truly dead. Mahnoor's ex-bestfriend that she hated more than anything- was dead! Their number one enemy was dead. They didn't know whether to feel happy or sad about this. Obviously a small part of them did feel sorry for the girl. Fiona might have been a terrible person that no one really liked but she didn't deserve to be murdered. No one deserves to die! Not even witches like FF.

"She was killed last night at precisely 5pm and we, the police, are trying to find out who committed the crime." Ikbal continued, the girls stared into space, unable to believe that FF was actually murdered. Well, it wasn't that hard to believe, knowing what FF's true personality was like, underneath the façade she hid behind, but, yet, it still shocked them.

"Then why are we here?" Oliwia had finally found the courage to ask what all had been wondering.

"We believe that you and your little friends might have something to do with Fiona's death." He said with a hint of malice as a smile crept up his face. Once again, the girls were shocked: the amount of times they joked about killing FF was too many to count, and now that she was actually dead... they were the main suspects?! Guess the saying is true- "Be careful what you wish for".

Although only one of the four was the murderer, they were all guilty of wishing something so terrible, so evil, and so malicious that even the devil himself would be ashamed of thinking such a thing.

"Are you f****** serious?! How would a 15 year old girl murder someone?!" Exclaimed Oliwia. Even though she's the only one that's not 15 yet.

"Language, young lady! I never said you murdered someone, you are just one of the many suspects! And besides, more often than not it's the person who protests the most who ends up being the murderer." Ikbal sneered.

"But we didn't do anything!" Mahnoor screamed dramatically.

"No, you didn't do anything" Ikbal replied sarcastically. "Or maybe you did?"

"Did I?" Mahnoor questioned herself. Alice scowled at the annoyingly gleeful Inspector.

"Of course not! None of us did it!" She looked at her two friends, minus Abir, and whispered, "You didn't do it, right?" They shook their heads disdainfully in response.

"Anyway, why do you think it's us four so much? And why do you seem so happy about interrogating some stupid school- girls?!" Glared Oliwia.

The Inspector smiled, a long, sneering, malicious smile, as he spoke, "The answer to both your questions is quite simple. 1. We have evidence," With that he slid a bundle of papers towards them, before continuing, "And 2. Well, I just don't like annoying little 15 year olds, like you four!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I am not 15. Does that mean I am not the murderer and you don't hate me?!" Oliwia asked hopeful.

The officer ignored her and continued to sneer at the girls, clearly enjoying the moment, as the girls turned to look at each other, shocked and angry. "How rude!" Oliwia shouted as Mahnoor started to have a staring contest with Ikbal. When she was satisfied of shooting daggers at Ikbal, she then grabbed the evidence, before turning back to her friends.

The evidence – A picture of the supposed crime scene, some CCTV footage of the four of them and FF leaving their school at 5:00 last night. A potato in a sealed bag, some glitter, picture of a bike track and ripped remains of a physics exam – seemed unconnected and random, though Oliwia and Mahnoor were both happy that their favourite things (potatoes and glitter) were included.

"What...How does this prove we are guilty?" Mahnoor questioned, confused, and dreading the answer.

"I'm glad you asked. Now it's the fun part!" He smiled creepily "let's watch a little movie"

"Ooo can we have popcorn?" Asked Alice.


Right at that moment the nicer police officer appeared in the room dragging a little trolley with a small old fashioned tv on it.

"Thanks Owens, that'll be all." Ikbal quickly dismisses.

Officer Owens quickly whispers "the girl isn't doing so well. She keeps fainting. Should I -"

"No!" He gets interrupted by Ikbal "Now go!"

"Now where were we?" He looks back at the girl as he starts to put a cassette on. "Let me show the cctv footage"

"An old tv? Cassettes? How old fashioned are you?" Mahnoor asked as she looks at the things in disgust.

"Yeah is all of this really necessary?" Oliwia added.

"Shush child!" He retorted "it's to build atmosphere!"

"Yeah don't ruin the mood" Alice sided with Ikbal.

An old style black and white clip began with the countdown of 3, 2, 1. Some thunderous clouds were shown and underneath it all was the place it all began.

'Welcome to Walker's Park' the sign read at the entrance and underneath it was the clearly visible, monochrome image of Fiona Filipowski.

The girls watched the footage intently as Fiona entered the park. For a few moments the footage remained the same, just a still image of the park entrance, and the girls were worried the ancient TV had broken.

After and a few spurts of static, the footage burst to life and the girls watched a past version of themselves enter the park at different times within the same hour.

Then the footage flickered as a shadowy blob, almost resembling someone else, was seen entering the woods.

"Hey what's that? Why did it flicker?" Mahnoor asked suspiciously

"Nothing. Just ignore it. It's a trick of the mind" Ikbal quickly dismissed the matter as he started to take the cassette out.

"Still, this clip doesn't prove anything" Alice said  "Maybe we were all just taking a nice little walk through the woods? Just being in the park doesn't mean we... we killed her."

"I'm afraid I can't give you the answers, not unless you start answering my damn questions!" The frustrated Inspector grinned slyly.

The girls stared, annoyed, before Mahnoor spoke up. "No! Never! Not until we have Abir with us!" The others nodded, agreeing whole-heartedly.

Ikbal, let out a huge sigh, slumping back down into his seat, "Fine, fine! Whatever it takes to get my job done! I'll go get her, but if she faints again it's your problem! Goddamn kids..." He huffed as he walked dejectedly out of the interrogation room.

"Stay here okay?" He growled, slamming the door shut.

The girls jumped at the loud clanging noise that ensued. Before relaxing slightly, as they stared around the dark, barren, brick prison.

They were now alone.

Ooh... The tension's rising! How will the girls escape? Will they find Abir? Will we see the infamous Inspector Iqbal again? All these questions and more will be answered next week!

The song of the week is... Stressed Out by twenty one pilots! Well, it IS exam time, and us three wannabe writers are definitely stressed out!

So, stay tuned and we will see you all next Wednesday, as always! ❤️

*Blows glitter kisses that fly like a potato and end up enchanting a pigeon* 😘

~Potato, Glitter and Pigeon

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