Chapter 26: Epilogue

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Fiona with her beauty and strength pulled the trigger and shot dead the four villains of this sad tale, a tale which was now over.

...Or at least it should have been.

Hello dear readers! It's me, your glorious narrator, Fiona. I suppose you must've just read the last chapter, am I correct?

If so, you were probably left with quite a few questions. Namely, who actually killed Fiona? How is she still alive? And isn't Fiona amazing! (Well that's not really a question, but I know you all think that!)

Patience, I say to you, dear reader. Be patient and all will be revealed.

The best way to tell you all of this is to start at the beginning. Not at the beginning of time, or of my life, but of the beginning of this tale.

Let's start on the night I died.

You already know what happened between the hours of 2:30 and 4:30, so now it's time to tell you what happened immediately after.

A good place to begin would be to explain who, or what, I crashed into after fleeing from Zachary Ikbal.


Nothing could stop me now- except for the oblivious body of someone standing directly in front of me in the darkness.

I crash into them, slipping immediately into unconsciousness, my last thoughts praying that it isn't  Zachary Ikbal standing above my fallen body.

"Hey! Watch it, you could've broken my bike!"

Bike? Ikbal didn't have a bike and he definitely didn't have the voice of a angry 14 year old.

No, the culprit of my fall was none other than Alice, friend of my worst enemy.

"I have an idea: Maybe you shouldn't ride your bike without a single care when it's dark outside!" I growl as I pick myself up.

"Ugh, FF. I should have pedalled harder. Maybe then I could've killed you."

"Kill me? Oh please, if you really wanna kill something start taking clay pigeon shooting classes" I said, knowing that at the mention of a pigeon, I would hit a nerve.

"How dare you?!" The dumb blond growled. "That's the late Mr Birdy's family you are talking about! Though frankly speaking, I never really liked my in-laws"

I decided to not tell her that clay pigeon shooting doesn't actually consist of live pigeons. But honestly how stupid can this girl be? What did Mahnoor even see in her? I am obviously much better than this blonde pigeon-obsessed girl.

Just as Alice is about to start pedalling away again I desperately yell "By the way I killed Mr Birdy!"

"And I will kill you" She fakes a smiles and pedals directly towards me just as I jump out of the way and fall into the blanket of leaves again.

"Oops sorry" she giggles "I missed, but next time I won't." and with that she pedals away into the sunset.

"Fuck off." I mutter defiantly, watching her closely until she disappears into the foliage.

I stand for a moment, trying to process my second near death experience of the day.

Then I snap back into reality, remembering the danger I'm still in. Ikbal could be anywhere, I can't afford distractions.

I sigh and lean against a tree, too tired to care about who or what could be with me in the near-darkness.

I glance down at my clothes and roll my eyes. My pristine blazer has been soiled by Alice's brash driving.

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