Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


Justice had finally been given to Fiona Filipowski. She was in the ground, ready to be buried.

Mahnoor, Abir, Oliwia and Alice stood beside the hole in the ground, staring down at Fiona's locked coffin.

The priest was speaking, saying a few words from the bible in front of him. The sky ahead was darkening, it looked like it was going to rain later. How appropriate for a funeral... but not surprising considering they were in the north west of England.

Maybe it wouldn't rain, maybe this year it would snow, it was Christmas Eve after all.

The girls didn't notice the weather, they were too busy looking down at the ground, at Fiona's resting place.

The priest soon finished his sermon and then turned to Fiona's mum, who kneeled before a pile of dirt and picked up a handful.

She threw it lightly into the hole, beginning to cry as she whispered, "Goodbye my darling Fiona, I will always miss you."

A few other family members, including Filipa, Fiona's sister, then mimicked Fiona's mum as they threw piles of dirt into her grave.

A figure appeared behind the girls as they stood stoically in front of the hole and tapped Mahnoor on her shoulder.

"Mahnoor, dear, are you not going to participate? Abir, Oliwia, Alice, you're all welcome to put some dirt into her... grave." Ms Filipowski said softly to the four girls, still under the impression that they were Fiona's best friends before her death.

"Oh I'll leave it to her family... uh speaking of family, I think my Mum's calling me from over there." Mahnoor quickly came up with an excuse to not have to say another speech about Fiona.

She then gave Fiona's mother an awkward hug, saying to her, "I'm really sorry about what happened, I completely understand how you feel. Thank you for inviting us to this highly important event. We will never forget Fiona."

Mahnoor grabbed Alice and Abir's arms and then walked quickly away towards the buffet area, as Oliwia followed behind, with her phone in her hand.

"Well at least this funeral's nearly over and they did give us free food, so maybe this won't be such a waste of time!" Alice said excitedly while she looked towards the mountains of food in front of her.

Oliwia's head sprang up, "Free food? Where?!" She exclaimed excitedly before rushing to the food with a plate in her hand.

The girls followed her friend and also grabbed a plate.

"Guys.. I Think we should go home" Abir said as she noticed Sharon giving them a dirty look.

"No! F.F wants us to be here.." Alice repeated the words that Mrs Filipowski said to them before.

"Alice! She hates us!" Abir argued back.

"She loves us! Oh.. Look Abir! White chocolate!" She said pointing at the Strawberries dipped in Abir's favorite chocolate.

"She hates us.." she repeated and walked away to get some Strawberries.

"So, Let's eat?" Mahnoor asked Alice as she looked at Abir and Oliwia that were putting more things on their plates.

The other two did the same and few minutes later they sat around the table near the Food place.

Mahnoor was busy with her pasta, Alice enjoyed her salad and Oliwia was eating another cake.

"Ekhm.. look who is coming" Mahnoor whispers to her friends as she stares at FF's Gang.

Maddie glances at the four girls then sneered as she steered her gang towards them.

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