Chapter 8

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Pretty Little Psycho

The day flew past in a flurry of glares and paper airplane attacks

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The day flew past in a flurry of glares and paper airplane attacks. Soon it was last lesson - Geography- and the four girls were learning about rivers and lakes. Well, they were pretending to learn. Instead, they were too worried, too caught up in the mystery, the horror, to concentrate on the mundane knowledge of ox-bow lakes.

Their quiet contemplation was shattered by the loud, obnoxious voice of Mr Milton, their class clown of a Geography teacher. "Very Good Barbara!" They could hear him say to the girl sat at the front, another fake friend of theirs.

At this point they were attracting fake friends from all directions. At least they had eachother, their only true friends. But seeds of doubt were beginning to grow between them. They'd been told that one of them was a killer after all. Could they really trust anyone?

Once again, Mr Miltons voice cut through the girls train of thoughts.
"Could our four murderers please stop sleeping during my lessons?" He called with a gleeful grin. The rest of the class laughed awkwardly,despite some of them not knowing nor understanding the events of Thursday. The four girls blushed, their eyes widening in shock and suprise.

"How could he say it so casually?" Mahnoor whispered frantically. The others shrugged unable to reply.

"Does he not know, what happened?!"Abir muttered, frowning in disbelief. "Or does he choose not to believe" Just as Oliwia was about to say something, their annoying Geography teacher unfortunately started to speak.

"Could one of you step up and give me the answer to the question on the board? I need to make sure no one falls asleep in my lesson again!"

Mr Milton rolled his eyes as he held out a pen for one of the 'bad' students to take. He tapped his foot impatiently until Abir finally volunteered and got up to get the pen. There she was standing in front of the board whilst everyone was digging holes in the bach of her head. Mr Milton stood there amused, waiting for her to get the question wrong.

Abir didn't really know how to answer the question,she wasn't really paying attention. How could she when all she could think about was the events of the last two nights? She couldn't believe one of her friends could be the possible murderer, but she was getting fed up of Mr Milton treating her and her friends as they were some type of monsters.

"At this rate we are going to be here till next Christmas. Answer the question today!" Mr Milton moaned, sighing dramatically. Then a mischievous look grew on his beaming face.

"If you finish the question today, I'll give you a whole week off!" He bargained with a gleeful smirk. It was an old joke, since the girls had geography as the last lesson before weekend, Mr Milton would always quip about giving them two days off from school. Now that it was nearly the half term holidays, the farcical geography teacher could tease them about giving them a week off.

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