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I woke up this morning to my alarm like usual. I got up and took a shower, dried my hair and flattened it. I went downstairs and ate breakfast alone.

"Goodmorning Cameron." I said as he walked in the kitchen.

"Morning Alli." he replied with a smile. Aww he's not grumpy this morning. When I finished eating I walked upstairs to get my phone, I unlocked it and it showed 8:05. I got back downstairs, went back in the kitchen to say bye to Cam.

"Bye Cam, have a nice day!" I said hugging him.

"Thanks Alli, you too, oh and if that boyfriend of yours is still bothering you, just tell me. I'll show him who's boss." He gave me a smile and I left the house. Yesturday I told him about Luke and Cameron wasn't very happy about it. I hope Luke won't do anything like that again because I wouldn't know what to do. If I push him away he'll be so mad but if I don't, he's going to force me to kiss and make out with him, it's going to be gross and he's gonna totally be agressive. I got to school faster then usual. Maybe because I was thinking so much. I parked my car and walked in school. Hopefully today will be a better day then yesturday, I tell myself walking to my locker. I didn't have that much time to chat with friends, the bell would ring any minute now. I got out my books from my locker and went to my first class. I sat down and waited for my friends to come. Then I see Nash, Matt, Taylor, Jack, Jack, Aaron, Shawn and Carter walk in. I look up and smile at them. 'Don't be shy, just be yourself' a voice said in my head.

"Hey guys! How's it going?" I asked acting happy, hoping to change my mood.


"Good, you?"

"I'm fine how about you." They all talked at the same time and I just giggled because I barely understood anything.

"I'm ok I guess." I forced a smile and turned around in my seat to look at the front. I was hoping they wouldn't ask any questions but I knew they would.

"You sure you seem a little down?" Jack G asked placing his hand on my arm. I smiled at his way to confurt me.

"Oh uh.. yah just boyfriend problems.. you know." I said looking up to see the guys. I saw Nash, his fists in balls and his jaw clinched.

"Nash, are you ok? You look a little upset." I giggled at his reaction. I saw his features soften and he screatched the back of his neck.

"I'm not upset, uh I- uh.."

"He uh lost his pen, so he got mad, you know Nash, gets mad at anything." Carter cut Nash off.

"Oh haha ok." I forced a laugh. Is it just me or was that weird. The bell rang and I turned around in my seat and the teacher started teaching. I kept hearing whispers in back of me and I knew it was the boys. What were they talking about? After 1 hour and 15 minutes of sitting in class listening to the teacher talk, the bell rang saving us from the torture. I picked up my books and put them in my locker. I got myself a chewy bar and went to the caféteria with the girls.

"Ok, gurls listen up!" I said getting their attention.

"This morning I was in class and those 8 boys I went to go see yesturday, well they came up to me and we said hi and all. Then they asked how I was doing and I answered that I was ok. Then Jack G aksed if I was really ok, that I seemed a little bit down. Then I said that I was going through boyfriend problems. And when I turned to see Nash he looked a little upset. Like his fits were in balls like he was going to punch someone and his jaw was clenched. I asked why he looked mad but he studdered and Carter answered for him saying he lost his pen. Is it just me or is that weird?!"

"Looks like someones got an eye on a certain Allison Dallas." Lily smirks.

"What?! You think Nash likes me?" I laughed.

"Girl, it's obvious!" April giggles. I roll my eyes and we all get up as the bell rings. I went to my locker and got out my books for the next period. I walked through the hall, with my head low, thinking of Luke. I haven't seen him yet, I wonder if he came to school today? He ditches classes now, which I find stupid, immature and dumb. He never used to ditch classes, he is a different person now, it's like I don't even know who he is anymore. I walked through the classroom doors and sat at my regular place. I look around the class to see if the boys are in my class and I see they are all siting in the complete back of the classroom. Typical boys. I got up before the bell rang and went to see them.

"Hey guys, umm I was wondering if yall wanted to do something tonight. I would kinda need the company." I asked looking at the desk in front of me.

"Ya, sure that would be great!" Nash answered before anyone else could say anything.

"Ok, so we go to someone's house or we go in town. We're just not going to my house."

"Ok, how about my place?" Shawn suggested nicely.

"Oh and is it ok if I bring along four friends? Will your parents not want so much people over?" I asked, because I know that my parents would never let me bring that much friends over.

"Ya, they're cool with it." Shawn responded.

"Ya Shawn's parents are the best!" Aaron cut in all excited which made me giggle.

"K so we'll be there around 4." Just as I finished my sentence the bell rang meaning the period has started.

Class finished and it is now lunch time. I got my lunch and me and the girls went to the cafeteria to eat. We all sat down and I had to tell them about tonight, I'm so excited.

"Girls!!! Guess where we're going and what we're doing tonight?" I squealed showing them it's something exciting.

"OMG going to club?" Kenzi blurted out. We all laughed.

"Nope! We're going to Shawn's house to hangout!!!!" I said whispering loudly. The girl squealed and I told them to shut up or else they would think we're crazy psycho chix. I looked over my shoulder to look at their table, they aren't that far away from us so they might hear us if we talk too loud. Then I see Nash get up so I turn around fix my hair.

"Act natural." I whisper to the girls.

"Hey Allison, I was wondering how you were gonna get to Shawn's place?" he smirked.

"Uh.. by car? I'm gonna drive there." I say feeling embarrassed for some reason.

"Ya ok but you don't have his address." He chuckles. Oh great! Now I just look stupid! Way to go Allison!

"Oh ya.. ahah." I fake laughed.

"Here, I wrote it on this paper, but make sure to open it when you're by yourself." He winks and walked away. I look back at the girls and I can feel my cheeks heat up and I know they're all red.

"Omg!!!" We all squeal like little kids. We all calm down and take breathes.

"Sooo... you sure you think Nash doesn't like you.. and maybe you like him..." April says flirty like.

"What no! We don't even know each other yet ok!" God they're annoying with that.

"Ok then." she smirks.

"So you guys coming tonight?" I asked just to make sure.

"Uh DUH!!" they all said at the same time which made me laugh.

The rest of the day went by slow because I was only thinking about tonight. Shit! What do I tell Luke if he asks me to do something or if he calls?

Don't worry about it Alli, it's gonna be fine.


Thanks for reading!! So how was it? Did yall like it? If you did VOTE and COMMENT! Love the feed back  :) Hopefully I'll update soon xoxo  bye guys

Irresistible // Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now