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Nash's POV:

I left Alli's house. I was so enraged. I strolled down the sidewalk towards my place. My breathing quickened and my notrils flaired. 

"Yo Nash!" I heard Cameron's scream from afar. I just kept walking , he ran to catch up to me.

"Man what happened back there?"

"She thinks I can't fight. And to be honest, the fact that I didn't fight back is hawting me. It's embarrassing. She kept saying how she wanted to keep me safe and protect me. She was pratically saying I'm a whimp." I sighed after telling him my thoughts.

"Well what do you want to do about it? You wanna stand here and do nothing or we can go to the gym and I can help you become a fighter. What do you think?" He smiled at me.

"Ok let's go." Cameron swung his arm over my shoulders. We went to my place so I could change and then we walked to the gym. Cameron made me start off easy. We went to the treadmill. I ran for about 15 minutes. I mean, it was easy but I was a little bit out of breathe.

"Ok Nash, now we can start doing push ups. What do you think?"

"Yah sure." I should probably follow what he says, I mean he does have muscle.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15." After every push up I would blow out the breathe I was holding in. I reached 25 and I stopped.

"Nash come on! You have to keep going, you want this or not?" He encouraged me. I took in a breathe and kept going.

"Come on! 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33." All I was thinking about was Luke. I was imagining him on the ground and me pounding the shit out of his face.

"Woah Nash, you're doing great, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100. Yeah that's what I'm talking about!" I let myself drop to the floor. Cameron patted my back and was smiling at me.

"Ok how about lifting some weights? Think you can haddle that?" He said as if he was challenging me.

"Yah I can do that." We went over to the weights and I laid down on the seat.

"Let's start with 10 pounds." Cameron put the weight on each side of the bar.

"K go." I lifted the bar and it was way to easy.

"Come on Cameron, I'm not that weak." I mentioned him to put more weights on. He added another 10 pouds. Still needs more. He placed a 20 pouds on each side I lifted it up.

"Try adding another 10 on each side." I wiped the sweat off my forhead.

"If you say so." Cameron smirked. I started lifting and it was going quite well. I ended up doing only 35 of those because my arms were already a bit sore from the push ups. We walked to the locker rooms so I could clean myself up a bit. I grabbed my towel off the bench and put it around my neck.

"Wow Nash, you actually weren't that bad. You worked hard tonight. If you continue like this and come here everyday, you'll be stronger then me." We both laughed because we all know that isn't possible. After I changed into my clothes, we went to the front to pay and we then walked out and stood in the parking.

"Well, great job tonight Nash, I'm really proud of you. Keep it up." His lips curled up into a smile and he put his hand on my shoulder blade.

"Thanks bro. I'll see you soon, call me or skype whenever you want. K?"

"Yup, see ya." We said our goodbye's and went our seperate ways. I arrived home it was around 11 o'cklock. Everyone is sleeping at this time. I turned the door knob and stepped inside. It was nice and cold inside because of the air conditioning. I put my bag on one of the hooks and my feet lead me to the kithcen. I'm hungry. I took out some food and tip-toed upstairs. I went in my room and closed the door behind me. I finshed eating after that I took my phone and opened it.

1 new unread message.

I put my finger on the 'Text message' icon and it was Alli. I clicked on the message and it read:

So I was thinking and I'v come to the conclusion that we should keep our distance. You said that Luke told you to stay away from me so we should do that. For your sake. xx

What? Are you kidding me. We just fixed everything, it was all back to normal and now she does this! I slammed my phone on my bed and put my head in my hands and pulled at my hair. God Damn It! I tweeted a goodnight tweet to my fans then shut my phone off and went to bed.


The weekend went by slow but fast at the same time. I did homework to keep me busy. I talked with the boys oh and I went to the gym. Now I'm up and out the door to get in the bus. I stomped up the three large stairs and walked down the aisle. I looked around for a seat and I spotted Alli. What is she doing in the bus? She drives to school everyday. I was about to go ask her the question but then I instantly remembered the text she sent me. I walked past her bench and sat in the back of the bus.  

Alli's POV:

The a few nights ago, when my parents came back from work and saw that I was back from my 'runaway' they yelled and screamed for what seemed like 3 hours then they took my car away for 2 months and I ended up grounded. So now I have to take the damn school bus to school. I walked up the stairs of the bus and walked slowly down the aisle looking for a place. All eyes were on me and I felt really insecure. I sat down in the seat with the wheel at my feet. I like that place. We stopped at one place, then another. It was quite annoying to be honest. I hate taking the bus. The bus driver pressed on the breaks once again, making my body swing forward then slam back into the seat. I glanced up to see who was getting on the bus. My eyes met with Nashs'. For one second it appeard like he was going to come and sit with my but then he looked nfront of him and continued walking past me. I know this is going to be hard. For both of us.




Positive Reminder:

When the razor, pills, knife seem to be whispering your name, know that I'm screaming at the top of my lungs because I love you and I don't want you to harm yourself :)

Stay strong beautiful <3

Irresistible // Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now