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Quick shout out to TaylorLeeEspinosa!! Thanks for the votes, and thank you to everyone else also :) And THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 10K READS!!! i love you guys xoxo


It's been about two weeks that I've been staying away from the boys. So that means I sit by myself at lunch, in the halls I keep my head low and when I see Nash or any of the boys I ignore them and avoid  any contact with them. It's been long and lonely without them and I barely get to hangout with the girls because they're with the boys most of the time. And sometimes I look at Nash and it looks like he's doing just fine without me. I guess it's harder for me than it is for him. I just hope this will be over soon.

Today is Thursday. I got up this morning it was 5 am. I got no sleep last night, I honestly don't know why. I got ready for school and left early, before anyone was up.  I strolled in school and wandered around waiting for the bell to ring. In the halls I would get teased a bit but I try to ignore it. It was usually the same kind of comments.

"If you're looking for some friends you can buy some on ebay."

"What a fag, she can't even get herself some friends becasue she's such a slut.

"Omg look at her, she's such a geek. Her family probably doesn't even like her."

"Do you know why she doesn't have friends? Because everytime she goes near someone they run away. Piece of Trash." And they would laugh.

People would talk, whisper or just straight up say it to my face. I just didn't get it. What did I ever do to them? I shugged it off and arrived to my locker. I took out my books, closed my locker, turned around bumping into someone and my books fell to the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry." I whispered. I bent down to pick up my books and looked up at the person that was helping me pick up. Fuck!

"Nash, stop, what are you doing? leave." I said looking around to see if Luke was anywhere in sight.

"No. I'm going to help you." he grabbed some books but I pushed his hands away.

"Nash stop! Seriously, leave! I got it." I said looking up at him. It broke my heart to see him so hurt and desolate. He got up sighing and he walked off into the crowd of people. My vision became blurry as the tears tickled my eyes. I finished picking up my books as the bell rang. I quicly walked to the bathroom and let the tears flow. I stayed in the bathroom until the tears stopped. I applied some make up to hide my stained cheeks and took my books and walked to class. I opened the door and everyone was staring at me. I looked over at the teacher, Mr. Smith, he gave me a concerned look but nodded his head afterwards telling me to go sit down. I walked through the aisle and I almost fell when someone put their foot out trying to trip me. I slammed my books on the desk infront of me for support. People laughed.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to the person sitting at the desk. I kept my head low and walked to my desk. I tried to pay attention to what Mr. Smith was talking about. I would understand a few things but not all. The bell rang as everyone stood up and left the class room. I took my time and waited for the students to leave.

"Mrs. Dallas, could I have a word with you please." I walked up to his desk.

"Is everything alright? I mean in school? Are those people bothering you?" He asked concerned.

"Oh no, them? They're my friends, we uh- it's a joke, we do it to eatch other all the time. Don't worry about it."

"Ok, see you later then." I left and placed my books in my locker. Second period went by just as slow as the first one and at lunch I sat at the same table by myself. People would pass and say stupid comments but I would pretend to not hear them. And the rest of the day was the same as all the others, boring, slow and miserable. I got my homework together and walked to the bus. I stomped up the stairs and looked at my spot, it was taken. The two girls did the middle finger and started laughing. I sighed and sat in the first seat. During the ride I would get a few peanuts throw at me. Then I got hit with an apple. That it! I picked it up.

"I'm not hungry but thanks anyways." I smiled and then threw the apple back. It hit one of the girls that was sitting in my seat. The bus came to a sharp stop and I flew back in my seat.

"Ok who threw that apple?!" The bus driver stood from his seat. Are you kidding me? They've been throwing food since I got in the bus and I throw one thing and he notices.

"Who was it?!" He was furious. I glanced back and saw a few kids in the back pointing towards me.

"You! Get out of my bus and walk home." He said pointing at the door.

"What? But-"

"Get out!" He yelled. I grabbed my bag as he sat back down and opened the door. I walked out and started walking. The bus passed by and then I felt a cold liquide on my head. I looked up and a few students were laughing with their heads out the window. I put my hand in my hair and brought it down to see what it was. Applesauce. Perfect! Can this day get any better?

Nash's POV:

I can't stand to see Alli like this. People have been so mean to her lately. First I was in the hallway and we bumped into each other. I wanted to help her, I wanted her to know I was still there for her. But she pushed me away, which honestly hurt like hell. It broke my heart. Then she came in late to class and some dick tripped her and she used my desk for support, she said sorry but didn't even look up when she talked. She looked so insecure. Then at lunch she sat again by herself and people would throw her nasty comments. In the bus was the worst. She sat in the front seat becasue some girls took her place. Then those bitches would throw a few peanuts and then they threw an apple. My mouth fell open but I closed it immidiatly. She stood up and turned around. And she threw the aplle back which hit one of the girls in the head. I contained my laughter. The bus came to a stop and the bus driver cought her throwing it. He was pissed. And she got kicked out of the bus and she had to walk home. I honestly had a pain in my heart. She doesn't deserve all this. The bus passed by her and some assholes threw applesauce on her. I wish I could just run out of the bus and hug her and tell her everything was going to be alright. It was at the point where she had bags under her eyes and she just looked exhausted. She probably can't sleep at night because of what's going on at school. I'm going to call Cameron and tell him to take care of her.

"Hello?" his voice vibrated through my phone.

"Hey Cam, whats up?"

"Nash! Oh I'm editing my video actually, you?" I can tell by the tone of his voice he was happy I called.

"I'm still in the bus, anyways I called because I just wanted to tell you to take good care of Alli, and you might want to spoil her a bit. She's been having a rough time these past few weeks and I just want her to you know... be happy." It was awkward telling this to my bestfriend.

"Uh ya I will. What's been going on?"

"Well me and her aren't hanging out anymore, we're keeping our distance. She said it would better that way, becasue Luke won't be able to beat me up."

"Woah, hold on? So she said that you guys shouldn't hang out becasue or else you would get beat up?"

"Yah, Luke told me to stay away from her, and I told her that, so now she doesn't want me around her." I sighed into the phone.  

"Ok well, you'll be able to fight that asshole in no time. And when that time comes, if you need any help, I will happily beat him up with you." He chuckled.

"Ok well, that's all I wanted to tell you...Just take care of her for me."

"Will do bro, love you."

"Thanks and love you too. Bye."

The bus dropped me off at the corner and I walked to my place. As I strolled down the street I saw Alli. Her hair was wet and her top too a little bit, her head was down and she was walking slowly making her feet drag. I looked at her and I just felt so bad for doing this to her. I just wish there was something I could do.




- You deserve a day where worries don't get in the way of anything. A day where... eveen if some people are insensitive or unkind, you not going to mind because the blessings you received are far greater than the burdens you experience.

Love you xx

Irresistible // Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now