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Shoutout to gabbyfelixxx!! :) thanks for the support guys. Little shoutout to my princesses that comments nice and supportive things. You know who you are ;)

Read Author's note at the end please.


"Everything's so small when you're ontop of the world. It's hard to understand what's still yet to unfold." My alarm sang. I love that song. It's called We Are Stars by Virginia To Vegas.

I mentally groaned as I remembered that we are only Tuesday. I sat up in my bed and though about school. What am I going to do about Nash? I hope our friendship isn't going to be awkward now. I got up and got dressed and put on my usual make up. My bruises are healing very well to be honest, but there's still some marks. I walked downstairs and Cam was already in the living room. He isn't usually awake before me. I made my lunch, ate breakfast and went to sit beside Cameron on the couch realizing I was early.

"Hey Cam, what's up?" I asked looking at the TV as Spong Bob was playing.

"I didn't sleep at all. Nash was texting me all night." He had big bags under his eyes.

"Why was he texting you? What was he talking about?" I looked at Cameron.

"He was talking about you." I was taken aback by his answer... Oh shit. I know.

"He told you... about yesturday? The kiss?" I asked, worried. Why did he have to tell Cam?

"Yah he did." He said putting a spoon full of Lucky Charms in his mouth.

"Is that all he told you?" I hope he didn't say that he asked me out. That would be bad.

"Yah, then he stared talking about ranbom stuff. I don't know, I wasn't really following." I sighed in relief.

"Are you mad?" I blurted out.

"What? Why would I be mad?" He chuckled.

"Because I kissed your best friend. Well basically he kissed me but I kissed back so you have the right to be mad at me-"

"Alli, it's fine. Yah I thought it was weird at first but it was just one kiss. It's not like he asked you out." He laughed.

"Yah..." He has no idea.

"Ok well, I have to go now, see you later." I gave him a hug and left the house swinging my bag over my shoulder. I walked to my stop and Nash wasn't there. Great, this day is staring off well. I got on the bus looking at the back seat. It was empty, so I sat in it. The bus stopped stop once again picking up Nash. I smiled up at him when he glanced at me. He just glared at me and looked away sitting in an empty seat. What the actual fuck?! Is he mad because I said no. Is he ignoring me now? That's so immature.

I walked in school and went to my locker, putting my school supplies in it and I strolled to the cafeteria after. There was Taylor, April, Aaron, Lily, Mia and Matt, Kenzi and Carter, Jack G and Jack J, Shawn and Nash. I gulped before sitting at the only place availible, infront of Nash.

"Hey guys." I smiled at everyone. Nash let out an annoyed sigh, grabbed his books and left, just like that.

"What's wrong with him?" Matt asked. I'm just going to tell them. They're my close friends. I took a deep breathe before starting.

"Yesturday I went over to his place to work on the oral presentation in French. We played 21 questions an-"

"Oh god, here we go." Mia rolled her eyes. She hates that game. She says it causes problems. I gave her a look and she shrugged.

"We ended up kissing an-"

"Omg!! I told you it causes problems. Why'd you guys kiss? What was the question? Who asked it?" She wouldn't shut up. I sighed crossing my arms waiting for her to finish.

"Can I continue?" I glared at her.

"Yah, sorry." She said covering her mouth afterwards.

"After the kiss he asked me out. I didn't want to go to fast you know. We don't know sach other completely yet and I was scared. I said no and now he's ignoring me." I held my head low.

"I totally understand you're decision. But he'll probably get over it soon." April reasured me.

First period Science. That's the worst. The teacher gave us a surprise test. God I love her. I handed in my paper at the end of class and joined the girls at their lockers. We went outside to eat today. I needed to breathe. Second period I had History, that was just as boring as first period.

Now it's lunch time. I grabbed my paper bag and sat down with everyone. I sat at the end of the table knowing Nash wanted to be away from me. I glanced at him. Who's he sitting with? I looked closely and saw a blonde haired girl. It was very long and curly. She was pretty. She was wearing a little bit too much make up but she was still pretty. I nodged Jack G in the side.

"Oww." He whinned moving away from me.

"Who's that girl?"

"I have no idea." He answered taking another bite of his sandwich.

I came home after school and went straight to my room. I finished reading a fanfic, ate supper and then went to bed.

When I entered school I thought that I shouldn't go to the cafeteria because Nash dosn't want to be near me but then I said to myself: 'I'm not going to start avoiding him, that's what he wants. If he's not happy with me being there, he can leave. I'm not going to deprive myself of being with my friends. Not again.'

I walked in the large room filled with students and spotted our group. I sat down beside Mia glancing at the girl at the end of the table. Her and Nash were a little too close and touchy for my liking. It was bothering me. She was bothering me. I tried to focus on what everybody else was saying instead of looking at Nash. The blondie and him weren't talking with anyone but themselves. I thought it was kind of rude.

The bell rang mentioning the end of the day. I went to my locker grabbed my homework and stuffed it all in my bag. I walked out the front doors with the girls. I was walking over the where the boys until my heart shattered in millions of pieces. No, this can't be happening.




Sadly, that was the last chapter of this story BUT I'm doing a sequel!! You guys might find it weird that I ended the book in the middle of action or dramma but i feel like i just need a fresh start. It's complicated, you might not understand my logic...

On the bright side, I'm excited for the sequel because I have great ideas, hopefully it'll be better than this one ;) So this is the end. I want to thank every single one of you. Thanks for the votes, the comments and for reading. It means alot. I love you all so much xoxo




- If you are reading this, you have survived your entire life until this point. You have survived traumas, heartbreak, devastation, and the different phases of life.

... And here you are. You go, motherfucker. You're awesome.

Irresistible // Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now